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Cloudera Manager(5.10.0) Installation Stuck at Parcel Selection


I am trying to install Cloudera Manager 5.10.0 but am unable to proceed beyond the parcel selection screen. The system does not have internet connection, so I have copied the parcel to local webserver. However the parcels are being not recognized. I have this error message.


The more options screen looks as below


The webserver when accessed from browser shows the following


I started with cdh-5.10.0 then downloaded 5.10 but it was not recognized. Then the archive latest location was pointing to cdh5.3.10 so I downloaded that too. Still no luck. I have also tried copying everything to parcel repo directory and changing .sha1 to .sha as suggested in another post but that did not help either. Can you someone point out what I am missing? Thanks in advance.



Master Guru



I just noticed that you indeed your Remote Parcel Repository URL needs adjustment.

You specified:  http://loclahost/cdh


However, there are no parcels or manifest.json files in that directory.  If you want Cloudera Manager to see the parcels for CDH, you would need:




Make sure http://localhost/cdh/cdh-5.10 contains the parcel files and the manifest.json that goes with them.





View solution in original post


Super Collaborator



The wizard should eventually see your local repo.  When I had this issue, this is how I got it to work.


1) login to CM on another window
2) get out of the express wizard that I was automatically logged into
3) go to the parcel, top right of landing page http://HOSTNAME:7180/cmf/parcel/status
4) Click on Check for new parcels

5) Go back to your installation window and you should see the parcels


Hope this works,




hi Tina


Thanks for your reponse. I have tried this but unfortunately still have the same issue.


Going through logs from manager UI I notice errors like these. Any idea why it says parcels are unavailable? Those are the versions I downloaded to the local repo.


Super Collaborator

No, I am not sure. ... Did you follow the directions here for copying the files?


Download the parcel and manifest.json files for your OS distribution from

Move the .parcel and manifest.json files to the web server directory, and modify file permissions


If you copied the CDH parcels, configured CM to use them, it should be working.


All I can think of at this time is the permissions are not right.


I hope that is it.



I had this issue when trying to add the Keytrustee parcel to my local repo. I can't recall the exact error but it was related to it not reading the manifest.json file correctly or it not being correct.

Anyway, I used the other method in the linked provided by @truonala and hosted it temporarily using Python. This worked for me.

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8900

Master Guru



The requirements for a valid parcel that can be recognized by Cloudera Manager is that the parcel file and accompanying "manifest.json" file be located in the same directory.  What do you have in your cdh-5.10.0 directory on the local repo HTTP server?


Make sure that the files there are accessible, too, and that permissions are not preventing listing/download.


For more information regarding your CDH repository and parcel, tail -f /var/log/cloudera-scm-server/cloudera-scm-server.log while adding your URL to the list of parcel repositories in the wizard.





Master Guru



I just noticed that you indeed your Remote Parcel Repository URL needs adjustment.

You specified:  http://loclahost/cdh


However, there are no parcels or manifest.json files in that directory.  If you want Cloudera Manager to see the parcels for CDH, you would need:




Make sure http://localhost/cdh/cdh-5.10 contains the parcel files and the manifest.json that goes with them.






Thanks for all your replies. I tried to flatten the hierarchy I had and host it from webserver but it was still not picking it. So I copied everything to the local repository folder directly and now it picks up some of them as shown below



It does not pick up Impala, Solr, Spark, key trustee server. The local repository looks like below


The manifest.json in the directory above is the one available in

The event log from the cloudera manager shows

Excluding unavailable parcel 'SPARK-0.9.0-1.cdh4.6.0.p0.98' from installable candidates.

similarly for others. Any idea how to get these remaning parcels recognized?



Ok..I just noticed CDH 5 - Impala, Spark, and Search are included in the CDH parcel. in the page ( that is probably why they are not shown in additional packages. So should I not copy these parcels in to the directory at all? Still does not explain key trustee server?