Created 10-23-2015 09:18 AM
In order to facilitate rolling upgrades, /etc/hadoop/conf is not part of the CLASSPATH env var that is constructed for a job. However when jobs are using a Configuration object: Configuration conf2 = new Configuration(); It tries to read the core-site.xml from the CLASSPATH
How can this be addressed?
Created 10-23-2015 02:06 PM
SYMPTOM: The MR classpath generated in HDP 2.2.0+ no longer includes the Hadoop config files that were present in previous versions. Signs of this include an inability to read core-site.xml and find properties such as fs.defaultFS, after upgrading from HDP 2.1.x or earlier. Error messages in stdout may look similar to:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/service/CompositeService
ROOT CAUSE: As of HDP 2.2.0, the classpath is handled differently, in that MapReduce does not include the cluster classpath. This is intended to isolate a running MapReduce application from jar version changes during a rolling upgrade scenario. WORKAROUND: Potential workarounds include:export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:`hadoop classpath`RESOLUTION: Working as designed. Use one of the above workarounds if necessary.
Created 10-23-2015 02:06 PM
SYMPTOM: The MR classpath generated in HDP 2.2.0+ no longer includes the Hadoop config files that were present in previous versions. Signs of this include an inability to read core-site.xml and find properties such as fs.defaultFS, after upgrading from HDP 2.1.x or earlier. Error messages in stdout may look similar to:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/service/CompositeService
ROOT CAUSE: As of HDP 2.2.0, the classpath is handled differently, in that MapReduce does not include the cluster classpath. This is intended to isolate a running MapReduce application from jar version changes during a rolling upgrade scenario. WORKAROUND: Potential workarounds include:export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:`hadoop classpath`RESOLUTION: Working as designed. Use one of the above workarounds if necessary.