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Configure StandardSSLContextService for Elasticsearch processors in NiFi



I am trying to configure the StandardSSLContextService controller to work with either the PutElasticsearchHttpRecord or PutElasticsearchRecord processors. The Elasticsearch cluster has been secured by Opendistro for Elasticsearch

I am able to do the following below successfully:

openssl s_client -connect atlas201.cs:9200 -debug -state -cert esnode.pem -key esnode-key.pem -CAfile root-ca.pem


But when I try those keys and certs in the StandardSSLContextService I am unable to get it to work. I am not too familiar with Opendistro as this was already a pre-configured cluster that I am working on.

Could someone tell me what the following parameters need to be for me to successfully connect and ingest data into the ES cluster?




Super Guru

I suspect you have not completed a step, or missing something.  The cacerts works for me in all cases if the cert is publicly trusted (standard public cert from public CA) which it should be.    You should share info on the configurations you tried and what if any errors you got from that.  The bare minimum settings you need for that are keystore (file location), password, key type (jks), and TLS version.   Assuming you copied your java cacert file to all nodes as /nifi/ssl/cacerts the controller service properties should look like:


Screen Shot 2020-09-14 at 7.09.49 PM.png



If cacerts doesnt work, then you must create keystores and/or trust stores with the public cert.   Use the openssl command to get the cert.  That command looks like:


openssl s_client -connect


You can also get it from the browser when you visit the elk interface; for example cluster health, or indexes.   Double click cert lock icon in the browser then use the browser's interface to see/view/download public certificate.  You need the .cer or .crt file.   Then you use the cert to create the keystore with keytool commands.  An example is:


keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ambari -file cert.cer -keystore keystore.jks


Once you have created a keystore/truststore file you need to copy it to all nifi nodes, ensure the correct ownership, and make sure all the details are correct in the SSL Context Service.  Lastly you may need to modify the TLS type until testing works.


Here is working example of getting the cert and using it with keytool from a recent use case:


echo -n|openssl s_client -connect | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > publiccert.crt

keytool -import -file publiccert.crt -alias astra -keystore keyStore.jks -storepass password -noprompt 

keytool -import -file publiccert.crt -alias astra -keystore trustStore.jks -storepass password -noprompt 

mkdir -p /etc/nifi/ssl/
cp *.jks /etc/nifi/ssl
chown -R nifi:nifi /etc/nifi/ssl/



View solution in original post


Super Guru


You need to configure your SSLContextService with a keystore/truststore built with the cert you get from the Elasticsearch Cluster.   You can also try cacerts that is included with your Java.  This is usually easier to do.  More details here for cacerts:



If this answer resolves your issue or allows you to move forward, please choose to ACCEPT this solution and close this topic. If you have further dialogue on this topic please comment here or feel free to private message me. If you have new questions related to your Use Case please create separate topic and feel free to tag me in your post.  



Steven @ DFHZ


Hi Steven,

I tried the method you linked but that didn't work.

I also configured the SSLContextService with the keystore and truststore I got from Elasticsearch Cluster. But I get the following error now:



Is there anyway to stop hostname verification? Or configure it so hostname verification works correctly? I have blocked out the full hostnames but I can assure you the hostname ( is the exact same as the specified CN (



Super Guru

I suspect you have not completed a step, or missing something.  The cacerts works for me in all cases if the cert is publicly trusted (standard public cert from public CA) which it should be.    You should share info on the configurations you tried and what if any errors you got from that.  The bare minimum settings you need for that are keystore (file location), password, key type (jks), and TLS version.   Assuming you copied your java cacert file to all nodes as /nifi/ssl/cacerts the controller service properties should look like:


Screen Shot 2020-09-14 at 7.09.49 PM.png



If cacerts doesnt work, then you must create keystores and/or trust stores with the public cert.   Use the openssl command to get the cert.  That command looks like:


openssl s_client -connect


You can also get it from the browser when you visit the elk interface; for example cluster health, or indexes.   Double click cert lock icon in the browser then use the browser's interface to see/view/download public certificate.  You need the .cer or .crt file.   Then you use the cert to create the keystore with keytool commands.  An example is:


keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ambari -file cert.cer -keystore keystore.jks


Once you have created a keystore/truststore file you need to copy it to all nifi nodes, ensure the correct ownership, and make sure all the details are correct in the SSL Context Service.  Lastly you may need to modify the TLS type until testing works.


Here is working example of getting the cert and using it with keytool from a recent use case:


echo -n|openssl s_client -connect | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > publiccert.crt

keytool -import -file publiccert.crt -alias astra -keystore keyStore.jks -storepass password -noprompt 

keytool -import -file publiccert.crt -alias astra -keystore trustStore.jks -storepass password -noprompt 

mkdir -p /etc/nifi/ssl/
cp *.jks /etc/nifi/ssl
chown -R nifi:nifi /etc/nifi/ssl/