Created on 11-22-2017 05:54 AM - edited 09-16-2022 05:33 AM
We have recently started using kafka 0.10.2 but are unable to produce any messages or consumer them. It has kerberos enabled. Below are my configs. There is no error and kafka data log also doesn't have any entry but the index gets updated whenever we run an producer.
kafka-console-producer --broker-list, --producer.config --topic TEST
kafka-console-consumer --topic TEST --from-beginning --bootstrap-server, --consumer.config
KafkaClient { required useTicketCache=true; };
17/11/22 12:43:01 ERROR internals.ErrorLoggingCallback: Error when sending message to topic TEST with key: null, value: 4 bytes with error: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms.
17/11/22 12:44:01 ERROR internals.ErrorLoggingCallback: Error when sending message to topic TEST with key: null, value: 2 bytes with error: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms.
17/11/22 12:45:01 ERROR internals.ErrorLoggingCallback: Error when sending message to topic TEST with key: null, value: 5 bytes with error: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms.
17/11/22 12:46:01 ERROR internals.ErrorLoggingCallback: Error when sending message to topic TEST with key: null, value: 4 bytes with error: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms.
Created 11-26-2017 12:19 PM
Created 11-23-2017 02:12 AM
Tried doing using kafka keytab. Below is the topic created with kafka service keytab. But its the same issue
Topic:Hello1 PartitionCount:2 ReplicationFactor:2 Configs:min.insync.replicas=2
Topic: Hello1 Partition: 0 Leader: 35 Replicas: 35,38 Isr: 35,38
Topic: Hello1 Partition: 1 Leader: 38 Replicas: 38,33 Isr: 38,33
Producer: --topic Hello1 --broker-list server1.kafka2.pre.corp:9092,server2.kafka2.pre.corp:9092 --producer.config
17/11/23 09:58:07 INFO utils.AppInfoParser: Kafka version : 0.10.2-kafka-2.2.0 17/11/23 09:58:07 INFO utils.AppInfoParser: Kafka commitId : unknown
1 2 3 4 45
17/11/23 09:58:25 INFO producer.KafkaProducer: Closing the Kafka producer with timeoutMillis = 9223372036854775807 ms. {"name":"shutdown_complete"} {"sent":1,"name":"tool_data","avg_throughput":0.0,"target_throughput":-1,"acked":0}
kafka-console-consumer --topic Hello1 --from-beginning --zookeeper server.kafka2.pre.corp:2181,server.kafka2.pre.corp:2181/kafka2dc1pre --consumer.config
17/11/23 09:59:04 INFO utils.ZKCheckedEphemeral: Creating /consumers/console-consumer-59653/ids/console-consumer-59653_server1.kafka2.pre.corp-1511431144657-52e4b1e7 (is it secure? false)
17/11/23 09:59:04 INFO utils.ZKCheckedEphemeral: Result of znode creation is: OK
17/11/23 09:59:05 INFO consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector: [console-consumer-59653_server1.kafka2.pre.corp-1511431144657-52e4b1e7], end rebalancing consumer console-consumer-59653_server1.kafka2.pre.corp-1511431144657-52e4b1e7 try #0
17/11/23 09:59:05 INFO consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector: [console-consumer-59653_server1.kafka2.pre.corp-1511431144657-52e4b1e7], Creating topic event watcher for topics Hello1
17/11/23 09:59:05 INFO consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector: [console-consumer-59653_server1.kafka2.pre.corp-1511431144657-52e4b1e7], Topics to consume = ArrayBuffer(Hello1)
17/11/23 09:59:05 WARN consumer.ConsumerFetcherManager$LeaderFinderThread: [console-consumer-59653_server1.kafka2.pre.corp-1511431144657-52e4b1e7-leader-finder-thread], Failed to find leader for Set(Hello1-0, Hello1-1) kafka.common.BrokerEndPointNotAvailableException: End point with security protocol PLAINTEXT not found for broker 33 at kafka.client.ClientUtils$anonfun$getPlaintextBrokerEndPoints$1$anonfun$apply$5.apply(ClientUtils.scala:146) at kafka.client.ClientUtils$anonfun$getPlaintextBrokerEndPoints$1$anonfun$apply$5.apply(ClientUtils.scala:146) at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:121) at kafka.client.ClientUtils$anonfun$getPlaintextBrokerEndPoints$1.apply(ClientUtils.scala:146) at kafka.client.ClientUtils$anonfun$getPlaintextBrokerEndPoints$1.apply(ClientUtils.scala:142) at scala.collection.TraversableLike$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:234) at scala.collection.TraversableLike$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:234) at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:59) at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:48) at scala.collection.TraversableLike$ at at kafka.client.ClientUtils$.getPlaintextBrokerEndPoints(ClientUtils.scala:142) at kafka.consumer.ConsumerFetcherManager$LeaderFinderThread.doWork(ConsumerFetcherManager.scala:67) at
17/11/23 09:59:05 INFO consumer.ConsumerFetcherManager: [ConsumerFetcherManager-1511431144680] Added fetcher for partitions ArrayBuffer()
17/11/23 09:59:05 WARN consumer.ConsumerFetcherManager$LeaderFinderThread: [console-consumer-59653_server1.kafka2.pre.corp-1511431144657-52e4b1e7-leader-finder-thread], Failed to find leader for Set(Hello1-0, Hello1-1) kafka.common.BrokerEndPointNotAvailableException: End point with security protocol PLAINTEXT not found for broker 33 at kafka.client.ClientUtils$anonfun$getPlaintextBrokerEndPoints$1$anonfun$apply$5.apply(ClientUtils.scala:146)
Created 11-26-2017 12:19 PM
Created 12-01-2017 04:17 AM
Created 08-23-2018 12:52 AM
HI Rajesh,
I am also facing same issue while trying to send message using kafka-producer. I am using 2 brokers in my cluster. I have created topic by logging into one of broker host machine. When I run below command am its not going to message propmpt. when I trype something and enter it gives error.
command: /usr/bin/kafka-console-producer --broker-list hostname1:9092,hostname2:9092 --topic testtopic1
18/08/22 22:51:32 INFO producer.ProducerConfig: ProducerConfig values:
compression.type = none
metric.reporters = [] = 300000 = 60000 = 50
sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.window.factor = 0.8
bootstrap.servers = [b2brp-cdh-cmsn0.hostanameXXXXXXXX:9092, b2brp-cdh-cmsn1.hostanameXXXXXXXX:9092] = 100
sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd = /usr/bin/kinit
buffer.memory = 33554432 = 30000
key.serializer = class org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer = null
sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.jitter = 0.05
ssl.keystore.type = JKS
ssl.trustmanager.algorithm = PKIX
block.on.buffer.full = false
ssl.key.password = null = 60000
sasl.kerberos.min.time.before.relogin = 60000 = 540000
ssl.truststore.password = null = 5
metrics.num.samples = 2 = console-producer
ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm = null
ssl.protocol = TLS = 1500
ssl.provider = null
ssl.enabled.protocols = [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1]
acks = 0
batch.size = 16384
ssl.keystore.location = null
receive.buffer.bytes = 32768
ssl.cipher.suites = null
ssl.truststore.type = JKS
security.protocol = PLAINTEXT
retries = 3
max.request.size = 1048576
value.serializer = class org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer
ssl.truststore.location = null
ssl.keystore.password = null
ssl.keymanager.algorithm = SunX509 = 30000
partitioner.class = class org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.DefaultPartitioner
send.buffer.bytes = 102400 = 1000
18/08/22 22:51:32 INFO utils.AppInfoParser: Kafka version : 0.9.0-kafka-2.0.2
18/08/22 22:51:32 INFO utils.AppInfoParser: Kafka commitId : unknown
18/08/22 22:51:40 WARN clients.NetworkClient: Bootstrap broker b2brp-cdh-cmsn1.hostanameXXXXXXXX:9092 disconnected
18/08/22 22:51:41 WARN clients.NetworkClient: Bootstrap broker b2brp-cdh-cmsn0.hostanameXXXXXXXX:9092 disconnected
Can I know in which path i can find 2 config files( &
Thanks in advance.
Created on 08-29-2018 06:24 AM - edited 08-29-2018 06:39 AM
I got exactly the same problem with the same question.
18/08/29 15:38:00 INFO utils.AppInfoParser: Kafka version : 1.0.1-kafka-3.1.0-SNAPSHOT
18/08/29 15:38:00 INFO utils.AppInfoParser: Kafka commitId : unknown
18/08/29 15:38:13 WARN clients.NetworkClient: [Producer clientId=console-producer] Bootstrap broker ourhost:9092 (id: -1 rack: null) disconnected
My Kafka parcel version is: 3.1.0-
Created 08-29-2018 07:17 AM
You'll have to create the file, as noted in the "Step 5. Configuring Kafka Clients" here:
cat >/root/<<EOF security.protocol=SASL_SSL ssl.client.auth=none ssl.truststore.location=/etc/cdep-ssl-conf/CA_STANDARD/truststore.jks ssl.truststore.password=cloudera EOF cat >/root/jaas.conf<<EOF KafkaClient { required useKeyTab=true storeKey=false useTicketCache=true keyTab="/cdep/keytabs/kafka.keytab" principal="kafka@EXAMPLE.CLOUDERA.COM"; }; EOF KAFKA_OPTS="" kafka-console-producer --broker-list ${HOSTNAME}:9093 --topic test --producer.config /root/
Created 08-30-2018 01:57 AM
pdvorak: Thank you, it lead me to running producer and consumer without errors. I just modified configuration to unsecured 9092 port.
jaas.conf: KafkaClient { required useKeyTab=true storeKey=false useTicketCache=true keyTab="somePathToKeytab" principal="somePrincipal"; }; security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT sasl.mechanism=GSSAPI ssl.client.auth=none
I can start producer and consumer with the following commands now:
producer: KAFKA_OPTS="" kafka-console-producer --broker-list ourHost:9092 --topic test --producer.config /root/ consumer: KAFKA_OPTS="" kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server ourHost:9092 --topic test --consumer.config /root/
Although, it does not throw any errors, consumer does not print any messages. Do you have any idea where might the problem be now?
I can see number of sent messages in Cloudera Manager Chart "Total Messages Received Across Kafka Brokers". So, I assume they were sent properly by a producer.
Created 08-30-2018 02:02 AM
Try only below in your consumer properties file.
Created 08-30-2018 02:20 AM
I tried and it did not help, consumer still prints nothing. Could it be blocked by Sentry? We did not configure topic-permissions yet, however producer can write there.
I also tried to consume from non-existing topic and in this case it properly shows Error with fetching metadata.