Created 03-08-2016 04:10 PM
I want to create new user for hive. When I installed hive using Ambari I created default hive user but want to create one more user. I know it has to be through HDFS but can some one give me exact commands to run and where should I create that. All hive documentation doesn't give me that option.
Created 03-08-2016 05:02 PM
By itself any HDFS user can use Hive.
If you do not have kerberos:
1) Just add the user to Linux with useradd ( or add to your ldap )
2) create user home directory
as user hdfs do
hadoop fs -mkdir /home/myuser
hadoop fs-chown myuser /home/myuser
And that's it you should now be able to run queries as that user.
Now there is a second part for secure clusters
If you have kerberos:
1) Add user to your KDC
2) kinit as the user
3) run hive
Using hiveserver2 with beeline or jdbc driver:
Depends on which security you have configured for hiveserver2
- None, just specify myuser as user ( -n myuser )
- PAM uses Linux so give -n myuser -p myuserlinuxpassword
- LDAP uses an LDAP server lets assume its the same as your linux user
- kerberos needs a kinit and specify the principal in the jdbc url
Finally your user needs access to the tables:
No authorization
- make sure the tables you want to read are readable by that user or enable doAs=false
- Add access to the table in Ranger portal
- Grant access to the table using GRANT command
Created 03-08-2016 05:02 PM
By itself any HDFS user can use Hive.
If you do not have kerberos:
1) Just add the user to Linux with useradd ( or add to your ldap )
2) create user home directory
as user hdfs do
hadoop fs -mkdir /home/myuser
hadoop fs-chown myuser /home/myuser
And that's it you should now be able to run queries as that user.
Now there is a second part for secure clusters
If you have kerberos:
1) Add user to your KDC
2) kinit as the user
3) run hive
Using hiveserver2 with beeline or jdbc driver:
Depends on which security you have configured for hiveserver2
- None, just specify myuser as user ( -n myuser )
- PAM uses Linux so give -n myuser -p myuserlinuxpassword
- LDAP uses an LDAP server lets assume its the same as your linux user
- kerberos needs a kinit and specify the principal in the jdbc url
Finally your user needs access to the tables:
No authorization
- make sure the tables you want to read are readable by that user or enable doAs=false
- Add access to the table in Ranger portal
- Grant access to the table using GRANT command
Created 03-12-2018 07:49 PM
if I use SQL Authentication using this method, how should I assign passwords to users? For using in DB connection for instance...
Will Hive consider OS level user passwords? If so, should I set a password also for 'hive' user? Does it affect other operations?
Created 08-07-2018 11:07 PM
@bleonhardi, How can I connect to Hive with a UNIX/HDFS user?
Let's say I have a user named "newuser". I tried the following, but apparently I am doing something wrong.
% su - newuser % beeline beeline> !connect -n newuser -p jdbc:mysql://