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Create users in hadoop/HDP 2.5


I just created users in /home in edge node for users to work on hadoop. But users not able to run hive/Yarn jobs. My cluster is already kerberized. Is there any way to assign users to submit their jobs in edge node.

Do we need to these users in hadoop/hdfs ?

If cluster has kerberos and ranger is there any different way to do it ?

Please suggest me.


Master Mentor

@Sam Red

When your a cluster integrated with Kerberos security then authenticated user must exist in the every node where the task runs. So create the berlin user on all the hosts and add user berlin to the hadoop group that should resolve the problem.

Please revert

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New Contributor

You need to create user directories on HDFS for each user.

$ su - hdfs

Because your cluster is kerberized you need to get a token for the hdfs user. Something like this

$ kinit -k -t /etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.service.keytab hdfs/

Now you can create an HDFS directory for your user.

$ hadoop fs -mkdir /user/berlin
$ hadoop fs -chown berlin /user/berlin

If you're querying Hive, you could use a desktop tool like Aginity Workbench, which supports Kerberos connections.