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Create web application over Hive and Hbase

Expert Contributor

We want to develop a web application on top of Hive and Hbase. The application must communicate with HDP securely.What are the best practice to be followed in terms of security?


Expert Contributor

There are a number of ways that you can do this.

Personally, I would opt for using Apache Knox rather than pulling in the client jars and config for Hadoop. This will allow you to use JDBC to HiveServer2 and the HBase RestServer API instead.

Assuming that you will authenticate the enduser in your web application, you can then propagate the user identity via the Pre-authenticated SSO provider in Knox [1]. Coupled with mutual authentication with SSL [2], you have a trusted proxy that is able to authenticate to HiveServer2 via keberos and act on behalf of your endusers which are authenticated in your web application.

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Expert Contributor

There are a number of ways that you can do this.

Personally, I would opt for using Apache Knox rather than pulling in the client jars and config for Hadoop. This will allow you to use JDBC to HiveServer2 and the HBase RestServer API instead.

Assuming that you will authenticate the enduser in your web application, you can then propagate the user identity via the Pre-authenticated SSO provider in Knox [1]. Coupled with mutual authentication with SSL [2], you have a trusted proxy that is able to authenticate to HiveServer2 via keberos and act on behalf of your endusers which are authenticated in your web application.

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