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DataNode block report incomplete, RemoteException in offerService


Using CDH 5.3.1 (without CM), I have a DataNode that seems to not start it's block report. The particular DN has 100x more RBW files than other DNs (some RBW files are a year old). The driving symptom is blocks reported missing, but the particular blocks are indeed under /finalized/ directory of the DN. 


A few thousand files have missing blocks that are in this state and no alternative blocks/replicas are on the cluster, so we would like to recover these files. The missing blocks are NOT under /rbw/ dir., hence the concern over the "RemoteException in offerService" error. 


Classpath and VERSION files look good compared to known-good DNs. See point-in-time logs entries below. 


* Question: How can a /finalized/ block (replica) be considered missing after DN has been up for many hours? 


* Question: what if I manually copy the finalized blk_* files in question to another DN? would that DN pick them up upon restart? 


* Question: should I manually clean up old (say, older than a few days) RBW files? 


DN log: 

2019-02-26 21:43:20,152 WARN org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode: RemoteException in offerService
org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(java.lang.NullPointerException): java.lang.NullPointerException

at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProtobufRpcEngine$Invoker.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy11.blockReport(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocolPB.DatanodeProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB.blockReport(
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.BPServiceActor.blockReport(
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.BPServiceActor.offerService(


NN log: 

2019-02-26 21:43:20,147 WARN org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server: IPC Server handler 5 on 6000, call org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeProtocol.blockReport from Call#5 Retry#0



The NN error above does NOT show up for any other DN. 





Without the stack trace, we are going to have a hard time to pin down what is going wrong. With 5.3.1 being pretty old, it could easily be a bug.


I wonder if this is (top answer) is causing the stack trace to be suppressed:


Could be worth a NN restart wth "-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow" added to the JVM options to see if we get a stack trace out, if you are able to schedule a restart.


It your key concern is getting the missing blocks back then you should be able to copy the block file and its corresponding meta file to another DN. The block will be in a given subfolder under its disk, eg:



In that example "subdir0/subdir0" - it does not matter which node you copy it to or which disk, but you must ensure the sub folders are maintained.


Then restart the target DN and see if the block moves from missing to not missing when it checks in.


I'd suggest trying this with one block to start with to ensure it works OK.

View solution in original post



Another symptom: the DataNode /blockScannerReport on the problem DN always returns this: 


  Periodic block scanner is not yet initialized. Please check back again after some time.




Do you get a full strack trace in the Namenode log at the time of the error in the datanode? From the message in the DN logs, it is the NN that is throwing the NullPointerException, so there appears to be something in the block report it does not like.


Have all these files with missing blocks got replication factor of 1 or have they a replication factor 3?


Do you get a full strack trace in the Namenode log at the time of the error in the datanode?


No. I showed the entire log msg. that was visible. I checked NN stdout, and did not see a stacktrace. 


Have all these files with missing blocks got replication factor of 1 or have they a replication factor 3?


repl factor is 3, but the problem files did not reach that level due to competing acivity. The DN in question had to be bounced due to a failed disk (it has 36 8TB disks), apparently at an inopportune moment. 


I think the excessive RBW files (up to 1 year old) are not the cause since I moved most of them away, restarted DN, and there was no change. 


Current problem summary:  finalized blocks/replicas in a DN are reported as missing, and "RemoteException in offerService" WARN appears in DN log. 


More info: 


I found that of the 4400 block/replicas missing cluster-wide, there are 3500 spread across 36 disks on one DN under /finalized/, unevenly:


count, disk
2 09
2 11
2 21
3 31
4 24
4 34
5 20
5 32
6 01
7 13
7 19
7 33
10 28
15 05
139 23
154 04
159 27
160 25
171 26
280 17


hence, I am unable to place blame on one disk. This DN has 14M blk files, so only a tiny percentage are affected. 


It sure seems like an uncaught exception caused the block report from this DN to be incomplete. 



The histogram of {count,disk}  was preliminary. Here is a final tally:


count, drive
144 00
6 01
290 02
155 03
154 04
134 05
167 06
172 08
2 09
144 10
2 11
143 12
7 13
130 15
151 16
280 17
7 19
5 20
2 21
172 22
139 23
4 24
160 25
171 26
162 27
10 28
184 29
171 30
3 31
5 32
7 33
4 34
248 35



Without the stack trace, we are going to have a hard time to pin down what is going wrong. With 5.3.1 being pretty old, it could easily be a bug.


I wonder if this is (top answer) is causing the stack trace to be suppressed:


Could be worth a NN restart wth "-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow" added to the JVM options to see if we get a stack trace out, if you are able to schedule a restart.


It your key concern is getting the missing blocks back then you should be able to copy the block file and its corresponding meta file to another DN. The block will be in a given subfolder under its disk, eg:



In that example "subdir0/subdir0" - it does not matter which node you copy it to or which disk, but you must ensure the sub folders are maintained.


Then restart the target DN and see if the block moves from missing to not missing when it checks in.


I'd suggest trying this with one block to start with to ensure it works OK.

Thanks. I successfully rescued the unrecognized blocks.

Addressing the underlying issue of missing but finalized blocks will take time. Hopefully upgrading to a later CDH will work.