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Dataviz text search filter behaves strangely


We were creating dashboards in Cloudera Data Visualization and adding filters.

For example, the following is a filter that has 137 records to select from:


137 records is quite hard to scroll through, so we entered keywords to search for in the Search Box.

But when we did so, we noticed that the keyword search is applied on the entire dataset. In other words, the keyword search is not applied on just the 137 records. This is strange and unexpected.


Does anyone have a similar experience when adding filters in dashboards?


Thank you.






Community Manager

Welcome to the Cloudera Community!

To help you get the best possible solution, I have tagged our Data Visuaization experts @Gopinath @Mike @Babasaheb  who may be able to assist you further.

Please keep us updated on your post, and we hope you find a satisfactory solution to your query.



Diana Torres,
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Thank you so much Diana,

@Gopinath @Mike @Babasaheb - looking forward to your quick advice and response, as our dashboard users have been struggling with this.

Thank you.



Cloudera Employee

Just to be clear -- is this after using the "Filter Fields" for a multselect filter?

It seems like when pressing the "Search", the search query we're running only takes into account the user input, not the selections from the "Filter Fields". I've created a bug (VIZ-2919) to track this issue and we will fix it within the next couple of releases.

In the meantime, we have a slightly inconvenient workaround, where you can take advantage of our frontend-only search by tabbing out of the input instead of pressing "enter". This will trigger a frontend only search, which will preserve the previous "Filter Fields"



Thank you so much @szhou , for replying - this workaround works!
I am just getting my users to test before concluding this thread.

Meanwhile, understand that VIZ-2919 has been created by Cloudera to track and fix it in the next few releases. Would it be possible to provide an estimated time range when this will be fixed?





hi @szhou , 

On further checks:  when i press tab it works but only for 2 seconds.

In detail:

  1. users enter the keyword and press tab.
  2. Filter list shows the relevant entries in dropdown list,but only for 2 seconds.
  3. After 2 seconds, the dropdown list then shows more entries that are not relevant (does not preserve the previous filter fields)

Cloudera Employee

Looking back at the code, unfortunately you're right -- we still do the incomplete backend search even when trying to trigger only frontend search. This means for multi-select search, there is currently no easy workaround other than to do a page search (Windows Key + S in Windows or Command + F in Mac).

If you switch to single select and choose dropdown display (, that does only frontend search.

That said, VIZ-2919 is currently targeted to be fixed in the upcoming 7.2.8 version of CDV coming around the end of October. We will also be reviewing the implementation of the frontend/backend search and be adding consistency in that behavior across the different types of filters around the end of the year release (multi-select, single select radio, and single select dropdown).