I'm running Nifi and Nifi Registry docker images ( apache/nifi:latest and apache/nifi-registry:latest )
Both services are running with ldap auth
I configured my user as a initial admin
In Registry, my user is configured with all privileges
And created a user with CN=<dns>, OU=NIFI with all privileges too
I created two buckets ( a public and a not public, for test)

And added my user in policies of both buckets and give all permissions
I configured Registry Url in NIFI
But when i try import a flow, Nifi only show public bucket

And and i try "Start version control", there is none buckets avaliable

I read all other topic with this subject, but they all have error messagens.
And for me, no error message appears.
I belive is something with privileges.
But i already configured all policies in NIFI and Registry
Any Ideas ?