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Docker Nifi - No Available Buckets

New Contributor

I'm running Nifi and Nifi Registry docker images ( apache/nifi:latest and apache/nifi-registry:latest )

Both services are running with ldap auth

I configured my user as a initial admin 

In Registry, my user is configured with all privileges

And created a user with CN=<dns>, OU=NIFI with all privileges too

I created two buckets ( a public and a not public,  for test)



And added my user in policies of both buckets and give all permissions

I configured Registry Url in NIFI

But when i try import a flow, Nifi only show public bucket

Captura de tela de 2020-12-10 18-02-53.png


And and i try "Start version control", there is none buckets avaliable

Captura de tela de 2020-12-10 18-04-17.png

I read all other topic with this subject, but they all have error messagens.

And for me, no error message appears.


I belive is something with privileges.

But i already configured all policies in NIFI and Registry



Any Ideas ?



New Contributor

I have the same problem and the solucion is ridiculous easy.

I set the secure docker nifi instance and I call the instance as nifi, I also set the secure docker nifi-registry and I call it as nifi-registry.

I register the user in nifi-registry as "CN=nifi, OU=NIFI" (the devil is in the detail, be sure you use OU=NIFI and not OU=nifi or OU=Nifi).

I discovery this using this logback.xml setting the level of logger from INFO to TRACE


<logger name="org.apache.nifi.registry" level="TRACE"/>


<logger name="org.apache.nifi" level="TRACE"/>

After that I check in the docker log

docker logs nifi-registry -f

You there will find something like

 Authorizing proxy [identity[CN=nifi, OU=NIFI], groups[]] for write

Also I suggest you read this post

In the section "Localhost User Configuration in Registry", think you are not making the request from localhost but from nifi docker instance.


If this solves your problem, please accept this as answer so others running into it can find this solution. Thanks!