Created 02-22-2017 02:12 PM
I am facing a strange behaviour in sparK;
I am following the tutotial (lab 4 -spark analysis) but when executing the command the script is returned as you can see on the picture(red rectangle)
I have tables in My hive database default.
I checked the jar files in my spark interpreter and found jar files as you can see on picture sparkjarfiles.png (Are some jar files missing please?
Any suggestion?hivedisplay.pnghicecontextdisplay.png
Created 02-23-2017 06:59 AM
Can you provide the following:
1. As @Bernhard Walter already asked, can you attach the screenshot of your spark interpreter config from Zeppelin UI
2. Create a new Notebook and run the below and send the output:
%sh whoami
3. Can you attach the output of
$ ls -lrt /usr/hdp/current/zeppelin-server/local-repo
4. Is your cluster Kerberized?
Created 02-23-2017 10:57 AM
No problem ! i could just click on "vote" but unable to select the answer as the best to do?
Created 02-23-2017 11:03 AM
Try option "Reward User"
Created 02-23-2017 10:53 AM
Created 02-23-2017 10:54 AM
Thanks @Jay SenSharma