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Dr who name is converted to different string while queueing

Expert Contributor



Resource manager is giving warning and exiting "

Name dr.who is converted to dr_dot_who when it is used as a queue name."


any possible solution ? complete log for warnings is below


3:08:49.689 PMWARNQueuePlacementRule
Name dr.who is converted to dr_dot_who when it is used as a queue name.
3:08:49.689 PMINFOFairScheduler
Accepted application application_1533729822715_0025 from user: dr.who, in queue: root.users.dr_dot_who, currently num of applications: 21
3:08:49.690 PMINFORMAppImpl
application_1533729822715_0025 State change from SUBMITTED to ACCEPTED on event = APP_ACCEPTED
3:08:49.690 PMINFOApplicationMasterService
Registering app attempt : appattempt_1533729822715_0025_000001
3:08:49.690 PMINFORMAppAttemptImpl
appattempt_1533729822715_0025_000001 State change from NEW to SUBMITTED on event = START
3:08:49.690 PMINFOFairScheduler
Added Application Attempt appattempt_1533729822715_0025_000001 to scheduler from user: dr.who
3:08:49.691 PMINFORMAppAttemptImpl
appattempt_1533729822715_0025_000001 State change from SUBMITTED to SCHEDULED on event = ATTEMPT_ADDED
3:08:50.820 PMWARNRMAppImpl
The specific max attempts: 3 for application: 7 is invalid, because it is out of the range [1, 2]. Use the global max attempts instead.
3:08:50.820 PMINFOClientRMService
Application with id 7 submitted by user dr.who
3:08:50.820 PMINFORMAuditLogger
USER=dr.who	OPERATION=Submit Application Request	TARGET=ClientRMService	RESULT=SUCCESS	APPID=application_1533729822715_0007
3:08:50.821 PMINFORMAppImpl
Storing application with id application_1533729822715_0007
3:08:50.822 PMINFORMAppImpl
application_1533729822715_0007 State change from NEW to NEW_SAVING on event = START
3:08:50.822 PMINFORMStateStore
Storing info for app: application_1533729822715_0007
3:08:50.822 PMINFORMAppImpl
application_1533729822715_0007 State change from NEW_SAVING to SUBMITTED on event = APP_NEW_SAVED
3:08:50.822 PMWARNQueuePlacementRule
Name dr.who is converted to dr_dot_who when it is used as a queue name.

Expert Contributor

Expert Contributor

sorry for late reply, are you still facing this issue ?

New Contributor

i've solved it,thanks