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Error: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Hive Internal Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError(unable to create new native thread) (state=08S01,code=12)

New Contributor

i am unable to execute a hql script through beeline. i am trying to perform insert overwrite into a partitioned table by using the below query format getting out of memory error .the table has more than 80 million records. Please help me to resolve this issue. 


SET hive.tez.container.size=24576;

insert overwrite table xyz select * from xzy where trim(upper(name))!= 'test' OR trim(upper(loc))!= 'abc';

insert overwrite table def select * from def  where trim(upper(name))!= 'test' OR trim(upper(loc))!= 'abc';


Master Collaborator

Hi @harnu ,


Could you add these below values to /etc/security/limits.conf file and see if this helpfull? If you already have these values try to increase it and rerun the query.


hive soft nofile 65000

hive hard nofile 65000


hive soft proc 80000

hive hard proc 80000


Update limits.conf with above settings and restart hiveserver2 service while stopping all the services on that node.

Please su - hive and then ulimit -a to check whether the parameters are updated for no of open files and max user process.



Chethan YM


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