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Error encountered on Tutorial Exercise #5 - Step 4 (Creating your collection)

New Contributor

Upon entering the command:


solrctl --zk quickstart:2181/solr collection --create live_logs -s 1



I get the following error:


Error: A call to SolrCloud WEB APIs failed: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 2016 17:28:35 GMT

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">
<int name="QTime">
<lst name="failure">
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer$RemoteSolrException:Error CREATEing SolrCore 'live_logs_shard1_replica1': Unable to create core [live_logs_shard1_replica1] Caused by: Could not find configName for collection live_logs found:[yelp_demo, twitter_demo, log_analytics_demo]</str>


I am not sure how to resolve this issue. Any help would be appreciated.





That command depends on the previous 2:

cd /opt/examples/flume
solrctl --zk quickstart:2181/solr instancedir --create live_logs

Did you execute those? And if so, were there any error messages?

View solution in original post


That command depends on the previous 2:

cd /opt/examples/flume
solrctl --zk quickstart:2181/solr instancedir --create live_logs

Did you execute those? And if so, were there any error messages?

New Contributor



I did not execute the previous 2 statements because the tutorial said not to (see copied text below). I will execute the other steps and try again....








  • Creating an empty configuration

    For the sake of this tutorial, you won't need to actually execute steps 1 or 2, as we have included the configuration and the schema file in your cluster already. They can be reviewed by exploring /opt/examples/flume/solr_configs.

    If you were doing this on your own, you would generate the configs by executing the following command:

    [cloudera@quickstart ~]$ solrctl --zk quickstart:2181/solr instancedir --generate solr_configs
    You don't need to do this for this tutorial. We have already generated the configuration for you. This instruction is here in case you want to create your own index.
    The result of this command would be a skeleton configuration that you could then customize to your liking. The primary thing that you would ordinarily be customizing is the conf/schema.xml, which we cover in the next step.
  • Edit your schema

    As mentioned previously, we have already generated the configuration files for you. You can view the modified sample schema here.

    The most common area that you would be interested in is the <fields></fields> section. From this area you can define the fields that are present and searchable in your index.


New Contributor

Have answered my own question (below) now. My version of Hue is slightly different to the version used in the screenshots for the Tutorial exercises. I have a 'Show cores' checkbox on my version that is not shown on the Tutorial screenshot. When I check this the shard-replica entries appear.  🙂


I have managed to create the live_logs index now.


I ran all of the step again, and the command that was originally failing has now completed without error. However, I do not see a shard_replica entry as shown in the tutorial. Is this normal at this stage, or am I still missing something in my setup?






I'd need to take a look at a cluster and won't get a chance to for a little
while, but that may not be a problem. Si I would just proceed as-is.
Displaying shard replicas in the interface might no longer happen - I
personally found it cluttered the interface for something I never used, so
I wouldn't be surprised if that was removed recently and the screenshot in
the tutorial simply needs to be updated.

Also, I believe it's "step 1" that is not necessary since it's already done
when installing the sample datasets (the command in #1 creates a blank
configuration, we're providing the already-edited configuration). I think
it's step #2 that you were missing, where that configuration gets uploaded
to Zookeeper.