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Error installing HDP 2.3.3 using ambari server Web console

Rising Star

Continuation to the previous thread

I rerun considering all the previous comments, but facing the same issue in the 9th step of Install, Start, and Test Step , following error it shows:


When clicking on the warning.failure links i find the following results


Success: HBase Master Install

Failed: HDFS Client Install, Kafka Broker Install

Not started: Knox Gateway Install, MapReduce2 Client Install, Metrics Monitor Install, NameNode Install, Oozie Server Install, ResourceManager Install, Tez Client Install, YARN Client Install, ZooKeeper Server Install

Node 2:

Failed: DRPC Server Install, Falcon Server Install, HDFS Client Install,

Not Started: History Server Install, Hive Client Install, Hive Metastore Install, HiveServer2 Install, MapReduce2 Client Install, Metrics Monitor Install, MySQL Server Install, Nimbus Install, Oozie Client Install, Pig Install, SNameNode Install, Spark History Server Install, Storm UI Server Install, Tez Client Install, WebHCat Server Install, YARN Client Install, ZooKeeper Client Install, ZooKeeper Server Install

Node 3: Failed: Accumulo Client Install, Accumulo TServer Install Not started: DataNode Install, Falcon Client Install, Flume Install, HBase Client Install, RegionServer Install, HCat Client Install, HDFS Client Install, Hive Client Install, Mahout Install, MapReduce2 Client Install, Metrics Collector Install, Metrics Monitor Install, NFSGateway Install, NodeManager Install, Oozie Client Install, Phoenix Query Server Install, Pig Install, Slider Install, Spark Client Install, Spark Thrift Server Install, Sqoop Install, Supervisor Install, Tez Client Install, YARN Client Install, ZooKeeper Client Install, ZooKeeper Server Install

P.S I have attached the error files of those 3 nodes. From node 1: hdfs-client-install.txt, kafka-broker-install.txt


Super Collaborator

@Kunal Gaikwad

Looks like you are reinstalling from failed attempt.

In this case I will suggest to do a clean install rather than correcting/debugging error.

By clean install I mean resetting you operating system.

From my experience trying to re install on failed/partial installation is cumbersome task.

View solution in original post


Rising Star

Error files for node 2: drpc-server-install.txt, falcon-server-install.txt,hdfs-client-installnode-2.txt

error files for node 3: accumulo-client-install.txt, accumulo-tserver-install.txt

I have tried to elaborate as much as I could with the issue, so that you may be clear with the issue. Hope this helps

Rising Star

This is what the Warning/Failure links look like:

Node 1


Node 2:


Node 3:


Rising Star

@Neeraj Sabharwal @Artem Ervits I hope this thread helps understand the error

Super Collaborator

@Kunal Gaikwad

Looks like you are reinstalling from failed attempt.

In this case I will suggest to do a clean install rather than correcting/debugging error.

By clean install I mean resetting you operating system.

From my experience trying to re install on failed/partial installation is cumbersome task.

Rising Star

I too agree! Thank you @Rahul Pathak


First you can check your ram size and bandwidth while deploying cluster,After that you can restart the all nodes and then start deployment from initial stage and better to kept services as per default positions and try to install,It will work,its workout for me,Check once.