I want to transfer json using curl to ExecuteStreamCommand processor. Problem with deleting double quotes.
The ExecuteStreamCommand processor automatically removes double quotes when generating a string for an executable command.
there is an ExecuteStreamCommand processor
Command Path ---> curl
Command Arguments ---->
-X PUT dev.exemple.com/api/items/4126664 -vs -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"details":{"Produce":"Gigabyte","l(sm) ":0.0,"manufacturerCountry"}}'
This processor during the formation of the general command curl -X PUT dev...etc. automatically removes double quotes from the command text and sends the command without double quotes. ——->
curl -X PUT dev.exemple.com/api/items/4126664 -vs -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{details:{
If you escape double quotes
Command Arguments ---->
-X PUT dev.exemple.com/api/items/4126664 -vs -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{\"details\":{\"Produce\":\"Gigabyte\" ,\"l(sm)\":0.0,\"manufacturerCountry\"}}'
then nifi does not remove the double quotes, but passes the string to the command also with a screen before the double quotes. doesn't roll either.
I found advice to somehow create my own rule / strategy for passing arguments to the command, and there you need to specify that double quotes are not removed. but nowhere did I find an example or a hint. in the documentation of the processor itself, a general description, but there are no examples of creation.