Hi Sir,
I am using apache nifi. I have called first InvokeHTTP which provides json response. From json response, I need transactionReference and post another InvokeHTTP using transactionReference with some other value using jsonbody request. Here is the first InvokeHTTP json response:

Getting transactionReference from above json resposne, I need to call second InvokeHTTP using json reqeustbody . Here is second InvokeHTTP reqeustbody need to send:
"transactionReference": "22229999999",
"companyAccId": 0,
"updateSignatoryFlag": 0,
"sigIdList": [
I have tried below like diagram:

Flow is: Getfile->UpdateAttribute->InvokeHttp->EvaluateJsonPath->UpdateAtribute ->AttributeToJson->InvokeHTTP
Here is Screen shot start from EvaluateJsonPath :




My request json not updated. I got first json response. That means I got first invokeHTTP response when I called second invokeHTTP .
What is wrong of my configuration?