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09:50 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @Shelton sorry for late reply: Here is my json response 400: Here is invoke HTTP: I have used below properties in invokhttp like below: Always Output Response : Set to true. Output Response Attributes: 400 and 500 Here is RouteOnAttribute: Is it like that?
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10:14 PM
1 Kudo
Hello sir, I am using the InvokeHTTP processor in Apache NiFi to call an API. I am writing the response using the PutFile processor. When the API returns a 200 status code, it works fine and writes the response. However, when the API returns a 400 or 500 status code, it writes the original input file instead. I want to capture and write the actual response body for 400 or 500 status codes instead of the input file. here is process: here is InvokeHTTP processor: Here is putfile processor: if status 200 it write the response . I want write all response from api instead of input file if it has any status from api. Please help me
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
03:40 AM
1 Kudo
Hi Sorry for late reply. It move the file to my destination folder. But it create new folder destination folder..I want to stop create folder & move the file to my destination folder with new unique id and the file name. Here is the configuration: In back file it create new folder : But if I want to create directory false , it would not move the file to the directory. I also try add move destination directory like /home/account-to-account/${now:format('yyyMMddHHmmss')}_${filename} which also not working
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01:19 AM
1 Kudo
Hi sir, I am using ListSFTP 2.0.0-M1+FetchSFTP processor and move file another location. I have two issues 1. Every time it make a folder and inside the folder keep the file. Here is image: 2. I need to move file using filename like filename+uniqueid.xml If my file name is test.xml , I will rename file name like test++uniqueid.xml. I have used below path for move destination directiory /myfolder/${filename} Here is the image of FetchSFTP : What is wrong of my configuration? Please help me..
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
08:23 PM
2 Kudos
Hi SAMSAL, Thanks for reply. I have followed below which is working now....
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09:46 PM
1 Kudo
Hello sir, I am using invokedHttp to post request. But it did not get response from invokeHttp. I get request file . But I want to get the response invokeHttp and write to remote server. Here is the diagram here is invokeHttp properties. Request has been posted to server successfully. How to get response from invokeHttp and write in remote server? Please help me
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
08:44 AM
Hi Sir, I am using apache nifi-2.0.0-M1 version. I am using window 10. I have some work. I need to export these task & import to production. But create template is missing. Here is image of process group: Process group configuration: How to export process group & import to other apache nifi using same version?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
02:10 AM
Dear Sir, I am using apache nifi for Getting file from SFTP server Backup files another SFTP server Delete the all files from where getting locations process file to call invokeHttp Request SFTP images using winscp: After login folder locations: 1. Here is the diagram: 2. ListSFTP properties: 3. FetchSFTP properties 3. Put SFTP properties I follow processors bellow sequences: ListSFTP--> FetchSFTP-->PutSFTP-->UpdateAttribute --> InvokeHttp I did not get file from sftp server. What is the wrong of my configuration?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
04:55 AM
Hi Sir, I am using apache nifi. I have called first InvokeHTTP which provides json response. From json response, I need transactionReference and post another InvokeHTTP using transactionReference with some other value using jsonbody request. Here is the first InvokeHTTP json response: Getting transactionReference from above json resposne, I need to call second InvokeHTTP using json reqeustbody . Here is second InvokeHTTP reqeustbody need to send: { "transactionReference": "22229999999", "companyAccId": 0, "selectedCompanyId":"116", "userId":22977, "updateSignatoryFlag": 0, "sigIdList": [ 22902, 22903 ] } I have tried below like diagram: Flow is: Getfile->UpdateAttribute->InvokeHttp->EvaluateJsonPath->UpdateAtribute ->AttributeToJson->InvokeHTTP Here is Screen shot start from EvaluateJsonPath : UpdateAtribute AttributeToJson: InvokeHTTP My request json not updated. I got first json response. That means I got first invokeHTTP response when I called second invokeHTTP . What is wrong of my configuration?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
06:44 PM
1 Kudo
Dear Samsal, thank you very much for providing me your valuable support. It is working now. You save me full weak...Thanks again
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