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09:50 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @Shelton sorry for late reply: Here is my json response 400: Here is invoke HTTP: I have used below properties in invokhttp like below: Always Output Response : Set to true. Output Response Attributes: 400 and 500 Here is RouteOnAttribute: Is it like that?
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05:23 AM
Hello samsal , I'm also doing the same thing and I tried with your approach also but still I'm getting the error like java.lang.IllegalStateException: closed Can you plz help me in this these are my configuration which i have done this preview which i got And the configuration:- and the enitre pipeline
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01:00 PM
1 Kudo
@enam Have a slight mistake in my NiFi Expression Language (NEL) statement in my above post. Should be as follows instead: Property = filename
Value = ${filename:substringBeforeLast('.')}-${UUID()}.${filename:substringAfterLast('.')} Thanks, Matt
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09:36 PM
1 Kudo
Hi, The processor sure changed in 2.0 from before , so few things I will check : - Make sure the Request Bondy Enabled is set to true - Make sure the Request Content-Type is set to : multipart/form-data - Make sure to set the Request Multipart Form-Data Name to: file - Once you set the property above, the property Request Multipart Form-Data Filename Enabled becomes visible , make sure it sets to true and it will use the filename attribute in the Content-Disposition header. - Make sure to set the Response Generation Required property to: true (default false) - Finally, I dont think you need the Content-Disposition dynamic property since its already been set through the above properties. I honestly dont like how in 2.0 there is a lot of visibility dependency with some of the properties where their visibility depends on setting the value of others. It makes it confusing specially when you read the documentation and struggle to find all the mentioned properties until you set the right values. I would rather if its all showing or at least less visibility dependency on some of them. Let me know if that works for you or not. If it does, please accept solution. Thanks
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09:14 PM
Hi @enam , The concept of templates has been removed in 2.0 per the following article: You can either use the Nifi registry to share files as the article suggest. You can also right click on a given process group and select Download Flow Definition which will save the process group in json format. If that helps please accept solution. Thanks
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01:41 PM
1 Kudo
@enam Looks like you have a bad file filter regex in your listSFTP processor configuration. .*file.*\.xls Above looks for any character for 1 or more characters until is finds the last occurrence of string "file" followed by any character for as many characters until last occurrence of string ".xls". However, all your filenames start with "file" and have no characters before it. Try modifying your file filter regex by removing the ".*" before "file": file.*\.xls Right click on processor, select "view state", and then "clear state". Then start the listSFTP processor again to see if generated NiFi FlowFiles for each file on your SFTP server. If you found any of the suggestions/solutions provided helped you with your issue, please take a moment to login and click "Accept as Solution" on one or more of them that helped. Thank you, Matt
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06:50 AM
@enam I cant see the entire configuration of the second InvokeHTTP so I am not sure if you are passing those new attributes into the HTTP URL. If you are not doing that, I think the solution you are looking for is to have the AttributesToJson set Destination to FlowFile Content. Then when you post that to invokeHttp, those values are seen as the post content.
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