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From Ranger UI "Unable to connect db" and in ambari UI it shows "User:admin credentials on Ambari UI are not in sync with Ranger"

New Contributor

Installed Ambari 2.7 HDP 3.1 version, after added Ranger service I couldn't able to login. From Ranger UI "Unable to connect db" and in ambari UI it shows "User:admin credentials on Ambari UI are not in sync with Ranger" I checked Ranger access logs, Checked DB connection, grant permissions everythings is fine. Also from Ranger Config, passwords for "Ranger Admin username for Ambari" and "Ranger Admin user's password" are same and I thought this was a bug. Can anyone help me on this? Thanks in advance.


New Contributor

We resolve this issue, while connecting to ranger it automatically looking for CA certs SSL even if we didn't enable SSL at that time since this is a new built cluster. We added ?useSSL=false on JDBC string and gave "false" to ranger.usersync.ssl from config. Try this hope this works.

View solution in original post


Master Mentor

@Naveen Varma Ramesh

Can you please make sure that the "amb_ranger_admin" and ranger "admin" password are same. Please refer to the following links to see how to reset if needed.

Please check the following UI paths:

Ranger UI

Ranger UI --> Settings --> Users/Groups 

Then Search for 'admin' and 'amb_ranger_admin' users.

Ambari UI

Ambari UI --> Ranger --> Configs --> Admin Settings --> "Ranger Admin user's password for Ambari" 

Do you have the same password values that you used in Ranger UI ?

For additional info please refer to :



New Contributor

Jay Kumar SenSharma

We tried these already, both passwords are same even though we couldn't able to login Ranger. Also, on the backend we checked with mysql login through Rangeradmin user and we could able to login. check with the screenshots attached. 109641-ranger.png


The above question and the entire reply thread below was originally posted in the Community Help track. On Mon Jul 1 00:49 UTC 2019, a member of the HCC moderation staff moved it to the Security track. The Community Help Track is intended for questions about using the HCC site itself, not technical questions about Ranger.

Bill Brooks, Community Moderator
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New Contributor

We resolve this issue, while connecting to ranger it automatically looking for CA certs SSL even if we didn't enable SSL at that time since this is a new built cluster. We added ?useSSL=false on JDBC string and gave "false" to ranger.usersync.ssl from config. Try this hope this works.


Thanks a tonn!!!! I was struggling with the same issue , it helped , Thanks