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HBase Insufficient Permissions with Kerberos


I'm trying to set up the ACLs for HBase now that we have enabled secure authentication. I'm using the HBase shell, but I don't have permissions to grant anything:


ERROR: Insufficient permissions (user=<redacted>, scope=GLOBAL, action=ADMIN)


I have added my user name to the "HBase Superuser" setting under configuration and re-deployed the service, but the error persists.


Could you share your CDH version? I'm unable to reproduce this with a
username added (without @ character prefix) to the config you've mentioned
in the recent CDH 6.x releases.

By 're-deployed' did you mean restart? I had to restart the service for all
hosts to see the new superuser config.

How are you using the user to group resolution? Have you added your user name on all the nodes? Or are you using LDAP/AD integration? Because it can be that the Hbase node does not know that you are a member of hbase supersuser group

I am using CDH 5.15.0; I did a rolling restart.

We are using a centralized AD to authenticate and store the Kerberos principals. We don't have an AD group specifically for HBase, although I'm a member of the admin and ETL groups. Is there somewhere I need to configure HBase with a superuser group? I did add my account as an HBase Superuser, but it didn't resolve the issue.


Thank you for confirming the details,

Does the subject part of your klist output match the added username in the HBase Superusers configuration precisely?

If your user is in a different realm than the cluster services, is the realm name present as part of HDFS -> Configuration -> 'Trusted Realms'?

Are all commands done as the superuser failing? What HBase shell command/operation specifically is leading to your quoted error?

As to adding groups, it can be done in the same field, except you need to add an '@' prefix to the name. For ex. if your group is cluster_administrators, then add it in as '@cluster_administrators' in the HBase Superusers config. When using usernames, the @ must not be specified. Both approaches should work though.


P.s. If you'll be relying on groups, ensure all cluster hosts return consistent group lookup output for id <user> commands, as the authorization check is distributed across the cluster roles for HBase.

Yes, the klist output matches the added username, and everything is in the same realm.

I'm trying to just create a table with the HBase shell:

hbase(main):002.0>create 'testtable', 'colfam1'

This results in the error from my first post:

ERROR: Insufficient permissions (user=<username>@<realm>, scope=default, params=[namespace=default, table=default:testtable,family=colfam1],action=CREATE)

Ok, I figured it out. There was a mapping rule that translated my Kerberos principal name to a lower-case short name, i.e.

USER1@EXAMPLE.COM becomes user1

I had entered both USER1 and USER1@EXAMPLE.COM as HBase superusers, but not user1. Tricky. . .