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Title | Views | Posted |
1652 | 07-09-2019 12:53 AM | |
10289 | 06-23-2019 08:37 PM | |
8347 | 06-18-2019 11:28 PM | |
9123 | 05-23-2019 08:46 PM | |
3717 | 05-20-2019 01:14 AM |
01:29 AM
Can you paste the contents of the all files in the following directory from the Ranger host please? /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/1546333400-ranger-RANGER_ADMIN-SetupRangerCommand/logs/* The missing property (db_password) is written by a control script that should log some information to these files and it'll help us determine a cause if we had their contents. I'm assuming that in your CM - Ranger - Configuration page the value for field 'ranger.jpa.jdbc.password' is set to a valid value. Also, do you perhaps have an @ (at) character in your password? If yes, could you try a different password without that character? You may be hitting a bug (OPSAPS-53645 is its internal ID, fixed in future releases) that did not support that password character in the original CDP 7.0 release.
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12:43 AM
The original issue described here is not applicable to your version. In your case it could simply be a misconfiguration that's causing oozie to not load the right hive configuration required to talk to the hive service. Try enabling debug logging on the oozie server if you are unable to find an error in it. Also try to locate files or jars in your workflow that may be supplying an invalid hive client XML.
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12:53 AM
2 Kudos
Yes that is correct, and the motivations/steps-to-use are reflected here too: Note: On your point of 'load data from S3 into HDFS', it is better stated as simply 'read data from S3', where HDFS gets used as a transient storage (where/when required). There does not need to be a 'download X GiB data from S3 to HDFS first, only then begin jobs' step, as distributed jobs can read off of S3 via s3a:// URLs in the same way they do from HDFS hdfs://.
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07:17 PM
Try deleting away /etc/default/cloudera-*, /etc/cloudera-*, /var/lib/cloudera-* entirely, and erase all cloudera-* packages via yum (on all involved hosts). After this, attempt the installer again. This will allow the default embedded configs to be written and used for DB initialization, vs. preserving whatever has been left over.
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08:37 PM
1 Kudo
This looks like a case of edit logs getting reordered. As @bgooley noted, it is similar to HDFS-12369, where the OP_CLOSE is appearing after OP_DELETE causing the file to be absent when replaying the edits. The simplest fix, depending on if this is the only file instance of the reordered issue in your edit logs, would be to run the NameNode manually in an edits-recovery mode and "skip" this edit when it catches the error. The rest of the edits should apply normally and let you start up your NameNode. The recovery mode of NameNode is detailed at If you're using CM, you'll need to use the NameNode's most recent generated configuration directory under /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ on the NameNode host as the HADOOP_CONF_DIR, while logged in as 'hdfs' user, before invoking the manual NameNode startup command. Once you've followed the prompts and the NameNode appears to start up, quit out/kill it to restart from Cloudera Manager normally. If you have a Support subscription, I'd recommend filing a case for this, as the process could get more involved depending on how widespread this issue is.
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11:28 PM
1 Kudo
It could be passed by either modes, hence the request for the CLI used. The property to modify on the client configuration (via CM properties or via -D early CLI args) is called '', and the administrative limit is defined in the Resource Manager daemon configuration via 'yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb'
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07:36 AM
Please share your full Sqoop CLI. The error you are receiving suggests that the configuration passed to this specific Sqoop job carried a parameter asking for Map memory to be higher than what the administrator has configured as a limit a Map task may request. As a result, the container request is rejected. Lowering the request memory size of map tasks will let it pass through this check.
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06:24 PM
@Reavidence, HTTPFS with Kerberos requires SPNEGO authentication to be used. Per, for curl (after kinit) this can be done by passing the below two parameters: """ The '--negotiate' option enables SPNEGO in curl. The '-u :' option is required but the username is ignored (the principal that has been specified for kinit is used). """
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07:33 PM
Please follow the entire discussion above - the parameter is an advanced one and has no direct field. You'll need to use the safety valve to apply it by using the property name directly. P.s. It is better etiquette to open a new topic than bump ancient ones.
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06:35 AM
1 Kudo
Small note that's relevant to this (older) topic: When copying over Cells from one fetched Scan/Get Result to another Put object with the altered key, do not add the Cell objects as-is via Put::addCell(…) API. You'll need to instead copy the value portions exclusively. A demo program for a single key operation would look like this: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
Table sourceTable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf("old_table"));
Table destinationTable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf("new_table"));
Result result = sourceTable.get(new Get("old-key".getBytes()));
Put put = new Put("new-key".getBytes());
for (Cell cell: result.rawCells()) {
put.addColumn(cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getTimestamp(), cell.getValueArray());
} The reason to avoid Put::addCell(…) is that the Cell objects from Result will still carry the older key and you'll receive a WrongRowIOException if you attempt to use it with a Put object initiated with a changed key.
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