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HBase master master replication acknowledgement

Master Guru

If I have a hbase master-master cluster when a replication is successful on target cluster is there an acknowledge sent back to source cluster? I am trying to find documentation outlining this behavior.


Super Guru

When a batch of write-ahead log (WAL) edits are sent from the source cluster to the destination (active-active or otherwise), a response is sent to the source cluster from the destination. If the replication was successful, the response is essentially empty. Any errors encountered during the replay of those WAL edits would be returned to the source cluster.

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Super Guru

When a batch of write-ahead log (WAL) edits are sent from the source cluster to the destination (active-active or otherwise), a response is sent to the source cluster from the destination. If the replication was successful, the response is essentially empty. Any errors encountered during the replay of those WAL edits would be returned to the source cluster.