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HDFS Config changes in Cloudera Manager not getting reflected on hosts
Created ‎03-22-2021 01:38 AM
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Hello Everyone,
We have recently deployed CDP. I need to fetch data from one of my other cluster (HDFS HA-Enabled) to this cluster using distcp.
For configuring the remote nameservice in my CDP cluster, I followed the steps given in this link and added the configuration properties to "HDFS Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hdfs-site.xml" section of HDFS configuration in Cloudera Manager.
After this, I restarted the services and tried to run the following command from one of my hosts in the cluster:
hadoop fs -ls hdfs://<remote-nameservice-name>/
But it throws this error:
21/03/22 13:59:34 WARN fs.FileSystem: Failed to initialize fileystem hdfs://<remote-nameservice-name>/: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.net.UnknownHostException: <remote-nameservice-name>
-ls: java.net.UnknownHostException: <remote-nameservice-name>
Usage: hadoop fs [generic options]
[-appendToFile <localsrc> ... <dst>]
[-cat [-ignoreCrc] <src> ...]
[-checksum <src> ...]
[-chgrp [-R] GROUP PATH...]
[-chmod [-R] <MODE[,MODE]... | OCTALMODE> PATH...]
[-chown [-R] [OWNER][:[GROUP]] PATH...]
[-copyFromLocal [-f] [-p] [-l] [-d] [-t <thread count>] <localsrc> ... <dst>]
[-copyToLocal [-f] [-p] [-ignoreCrc] [-crc] <src> ... <localdst>]
[-count [-q] [-h] [-v] [-t [<storage type>]] [-u] [-x] [-e] <path> ...]
[-cp [-f] [-p | -p[topax]] [-d] <src> ... <dst>]
[-createSnapshot <snapshotDir> [<snapshotName>]]
[-deleteSnapshot <snapshotDir> <snapshotName>]
[-df [-h] [<path> ...]]
[-du [-s] [-h] [-v] [-x] <path> ...]
[-expunge [-immediate]]
[-find <path> ... <expression> ...]
[-get [-f] [-p] [-ignoreCrc] [-crc] <src> ... <localdst>]
[-getfacl [-R] <path>]
[-getfattr [-R] {-n name | -d} [-e en] <path>]
[-getmerge [-nl] [-skip-empty-file] <src> <localdst>]
[-head <file>]
[-help [cmd ...]]
[-ls [-C] [-d] [-h] [-q] [-R] [-t] [-S] [-r] [-u] [-e] [<path> ...]]
[-mkdir [-p] <path> ...]
[-moveFromLocal [-f] [-p] [-l] [-d] <localsrc> ... <dst>]
[-moveToLocal <src> <localdst>]
[-mv <src> ... <dst>]
[-put [-f] [-p] [-l] [-d] [-t <thread count>] <localsrc> ... <dst>]
[-renameSnapshot <snapshotDir> <oldName> <newName>]
[-rm [-f] [-r|-R] [-skipTrash] [-safely] <src> ...]
[-rmdir [--ignore-fail-on-non-empty] <dir> ...]
[-setfacl [-R] [{-b|-k} {-m|-x <acl_spec>} <path>]|[--set <acl_spec> <path>]]
[-setfattr {-n name [-v value] | -x name} <path>]
[-setrep [-R] [-w] <rep> <path> ...]
[-stat [format] <path> ...]
[-tail [-f] [-s <sleep interval>] <file>]
[-test -[defsz] <path>]
[-text [-ignoreCrc] <src> ...]
[-touch [-a] [-m] [-t TIMESTAMP ] [-c] <path> ...]
[-touchz <path> ...]
[-truncate [-w] <length> <path> ...]
[-usage [cmd ...]]
Generic options supported are:
-conf <configuration file> specify an application configuration file
-D <property=value> define a value for a given property
-fs <file:///|hdfs://namenode:port> specify default filesystem URL to use, overrides 'fs.defaultFS' property from configurations.
-jt <local|resourcemanager:port> specify a ResourceManager
-files <file1,...> specify a comma-separated list of files to be copied to the map reduce cluster
-libjars <jar1,...> specify a comma-separated list of jar files to be included in the classpath
-archives <archive1,...> specify a comma-separated list of archives to be unarchived on the compute machines
The general command line syntax is:
command [genericOptions] [commandOptions]
Usage: hadoop fs [generic options] -ls [-C] [-d] [-h] [-q] [-R] [-t] [-S] [-r] [-u] [-e] [<path> ...]
I checked the hdfs-site.xml files on the host and it doesn't have the updated config.
What might be the reason behind this? Why does Cloudera manager not manage the config change in the back end?
Created ‎03-22-2021 05:14 AM
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Added the same configuration in "HDFS Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hdfs-site.xml" section and restarted the cluster and now the issue is resolved.
Created ‎03-22-2021 05:14 AM
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Added the same configuration in "HDFS Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hdfs-site.xml" section and restarted the cluster and now the issue is resolved.