Created 03-24-2016 02:52 PM
I ran into an issue when i ran the Metron Installer on AWS based on these instructions:
I fixed that issue and I re-ran the installer via the command:
ansible-playbook -i playbook.yml --skip-tags="wait"
However, then I ran into the following error:
03-24 06:22:36,900 p=68310 u=gvetticaden | fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["hdfs", "dfs", "-put", "/usr/metron/0.1BETA/config/patterns", "/apps/metron"], "delta": "0:00:02.300088", "end": "2016-03-24 11:22:36.562397", "failed": true, "rc": 1, "start": "2016-03-24 11:22:34.262309", "stderr": "put: `/apps/metron/patterns/asa': File exists\nput: `/apps/metron/patterns/common': File exists\nput: `/apps/metron/patterns/fireeye': File exists\nput: `/apps/metron/patterns/sourcefire': File exists\nput: `/apps/metron/patterns/yaf': File exists", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []} 2016-03-24 06:22:36,904 p=68310 u=gvetticaden | to retry, use: --limit @playbook.retry
Created 03-24-2016 02:54 PM
I logged into one of the ec2 nodes where an hdp client was installed and after switching to hdfs I deleted the following folder in HDFS and re-ran the installer. This fixed the issue for me.
hadoop fs -rmr /apps/metron/patterns
hadoop fs -rmr /apps/metron/enrichments
Created 03-24-2016 02:54 PM
I logged into one of the ec2 nodes where an hdp client was installed and after switching to hdfs I deleted the following folder in HDFS and re-ran the installer. This fixed the issue for me.
hadoop fs -rmr /apps/metron/patterns
hadoop fs -rmr /apps/metron/enrichments