Hi all,
I've recently set up HDFS with LDAP group mapping, I'm doing it through the cloudera manager, CDH6.3. Everything looks like it was working, i can see the hdfs does recognize my ldap users and the groups, but it doesn't show all the groups my ldap user belongs to, it only shows the primary group. As you can see from below, my ldap user "jchiang" is in primary group testgroup and secondary group red, but the hdfs only shows testgroup. I'm using openldap as my ldap directory. Is there a way to get all the ldap groups show up? I've included my hdfs ldap config below, I assume maybe there's something in the group filter i need to change? thanks
[jchiang@ip-172-0-0-203 ~]$ hdfs groups
jchiang : testgroup
[jchiang@ip-172-0-0-203 ~]$ groups
testgroup red
Hadoop User Group Mapping Implementation
hadoop.security.group.mapping : org.apache.hadoop.security.LdapGroupsMapping
Hadoop User Group Mapping LDAP User Search Filter
hadoop.security.group.mapping.ldap.search.filter.user: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid={0}))
Hadoop User Group Mapping LDAP Group Search Filter
hadoop.security.group.mapping.ldap.search.filter.group: (objectclass=posixGroup)
Hadoop User Group Mapping LDAP Group Membership Attribute
hadoop.security.group.mapping.ldap.search.attr.member: memberUid
Hadoop User Group Mapping LDAP Group Name Attribute
hadoop.security.group.mapping.ldap.search.attr.group.name: cn