Created 06-28-2017 09:10 PM
I installed a fresh HDP 2.6.1 cluster and then used Ambari to enable Kerberos. When it gets to the point of Start and Test services it hangs for a long time on starting the Namenode. Reviewing logs on the namenodes doesn't reveal much but all of the datanodes have jsvc.out files showing that the jsvc is continually core dumping. The datanode.out log file doesn't contain anything useful because it never gets up and running.
Created 06-29-2017 02:28 AM
Are you using RedHat Enterprise Linux?
Can you please check if the "hs_err_pid.log" file is generated for your DataNode, this file is created when the JVM crashes.
As it is jsvc crash (and if you have recently upgraded your redhat kernel) then it might be related to:
If this is the case then increasing the StackSize (to something higher like -Xss2048k) Of your DataNode might help DataNode to comeup fine.
Created 06-29-2017 02:28 AM
Are you using RedHat Enterprise Linux?
Can you please check if the "hs_err_pid.log" file is generated for your DataNode, this file is created when the JVM crashes.
As it is jsvc crash (and if you have recently upgraded your redhat kernel) then it might be related to:
If this is the case then increasing the StackSize (to something higher like -Xss2048k) Of your DataNode might help DataNode to comeup fine.
Created 06-29-2017 06:26 AM
As per @Jay SenSharma comment, this is the Red Hat KB article probably related to your issue: