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HDP and Postgres versions


I have a HDP 2.6 cluster that I want to upgrade to HDP 3.1. I currently use postgres 9.2 for Ambari, and a separate postgres 9.2 instance for Ranger and Hive. Looking at the compatibility matrix, postgres 9.2 is no longer supported for HDP 3.1.

1) Does this apply just to the postgres instance used by ambari, or also to the postgres instance used by Ranger and Hive too?

2) I'm assuming upgrading postgres isn't handled by ambari, so should I just upgrade and migrate the relevant data, keeping the connection parameters the same?

Thanks in advance


Master Mentor

@James Srinivasan

As per supportmatrix when you click on HDP 3.1 in the following link then you will find only the following versions of Postgres supported (tested & certified) with HDP 3.1 (Means components used by HDP 3.1)

Postgres: 10.2 And 9.6


Similarly in Support matrix if you select only Ambari 2.7 (like 2.7.1/ 2.7.3) then you will find the postgres version as :

Postgres: 10.2 And 9.6


Hence while planning for an Upgrade (Ambari + HDP) you should also plan for upgrading the Postgres DB to the tested and certified version of Postgres.


Yes you are correct upgrading Postgres is not handled by ambari. Hence you will need to make sure that you take a backup (DB dumps) of your current postgres 9.2 DB and then perform the Postgres DB upgrade separately.

View solution in original post


Master Mentor

@James Srinivasan

As per supportmatrix when you click on HDP 3.1 in the following link then you will find only the following versions of Postgres supported (tested & certified) with HDP 3.1 (Means components used by HDP 3.1)

Postgres: 10.2 And 9.6


Similarly in Support matrix if you select only Ambari 2.7 (like 2.7.1/ 2.7.3) then you will find the postgres version as :

Postgres: 10.2 And 9.6


Hence while planning for an Upgrade (Ambari + HDP) you should also plan for upgrading the Postgres DB to the tested and certified version of Postgres.


Yes you are correct upgrading Postgres is not handled by ambari. Hence you will need to make sure that you take a backup (DB dumps) of your current postgres 9.2 DB and then perform the Postgres DB upgrade separately.


Thanks very much, that makes sense.