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HDPCA - question


I am planning to take HDPCA exam next week. Few queries on that:

1) How many questions are there in the exam?

2) What is the required exam passing score?

3) I understand that exam is objective and as per my assessment, practice exam has very basic questions. I don't think that such basic questions will be asked in actual exam. Can someone offer couple of sample questions which are similar to the actual exam? That will boost my morale 🙂

Thank you,

Sachin A



To be consistent and fair, we can only offer the information available at in regards to your questions. Additionally, folks who take the test agree to not discuss the tasks they are assigned during the test. I'm positive if you have a solid understanding of the documented objectives that you will have a solid footing to sit before the exam. Good luck!!

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To be consistent and fair, we can only offer the information available at in regards to your questions. Additionally, folks who take the test agree to not discuss the tasks they are assigned during the test. I'm positive if you have a solid understanding of the documented objectives that you will have a solid footing to sit before the exam. Good luck!!


Thank you for your response. I have couple of more questions on the exam.

1) Am I allowed to use documentation during exam? As per below link it says "Candidates for the HDPCA exam are provided access to the HPD 2.3 documentation pages".

  1. Am I allowed access to documentation? Yes. Candidates for the HDPCD exam are provided access to the Pig, Hive, Sqoop and Flume documentation pages. Candidates for the HDPCA exam are provided access to the HPD 2.3 documentation pages. Candidates for the HDPCD:Java exam will have access to the Apache Hadoop documentation.

2) How to approach the troubleshooting questions in the exam? For example, if there is a question with some mapreduce program output error or some service startup error or error related while running exam task?

Are we allowed to use any search engine?

Please advise.

Thank you,

Sachin A


You've got #1 already answered. For #2, no, you will not be able to search the internet -- you only have access to the project websites mentioned in #1. Good luck!