Created 03-14-2016 02:14 PM
We have some data that has a backslash (\) and noticed that when loading into Hive, it treats it as an escape character. Is there a way to get around it treating this as an escape character?
I have tried replacing a single backslash with 2 backslashes and it still give me the same result.
The only other thing i could think of doing is just replacing the backslash with the encoded version of that value.
Created 03-14-2016 10:54 PM
@Jesse Passwaters @Takahiko Saito Please take a look at It has example of how to use a different escape character.
Created 03-14-2016 02:31 PM
How are you loading your data to Hive ? If you are using Sqoop, then you need to take a look at
Created 03-14-2016 02:48 PM
We are loading the data from an external table via the CSVSerde. In the temp table we can view the backslashes, but once we load it into the ORC format via the CSVSerde the backslashes, no matter how many there are, they disappear.
Created 03-14-2016 03:16 PM
Let me clarify - the external table is using the CSVSerde to read the data and then we are loading an ORC table which uses the OrcSerde
Created 03-14-2016 05:34 PM
Can you use ESCAPED BY '\' when you create an ORC table and load from the external table?
Created 03-14-2016 06:15 PM
I've seen where you can do that with the CSVSerde, but haven't found anything that states that you could use that with the OrcSerde. Do you have any examples?
Created 03-14-2016 10:54 PM
@Jesse Passwaters @Takahiko Saito Please take a look at It has example of how to use a different escape character.
Created 03-16-2016 01:57 PM
@Shishir Saxena - That worked! I previously saw that but just didn't think that would solve it.
Created 05-18-2018 05:58 AM
I was not able to open the link :
Could you p[lease provide the correct link or provide me the solution which would be helpful.
Created 06-12-2018 08:16 PM
@Shishir Saxena: This link is not working It has example of how to use a different escape character.
Can you post the contents of the above link here? or give a different link that works?