Created 02-03-2016 12:20 PM
I have successfully installed Ambari Service manually. I have installed most of the services which were listed in Ambari. However I do not see the hadoop deamons running. I don't even find the hadoop directory under /bin directory. I have the following questions:
1) When Ambari server is setup on a Centos machine, where does Ambari install Hadoop?
2) Under which folder Hadoop is installed?
3) Why is hadoop deamons not started automatically?
4) If hadoop is not installed, what are the next steps?
Please can someone help me, because I do not find anything documentation that helps me understand this?
Created 02-03-2016 12:21 PM
/usr/hdp/current --> you can see files there
You have to check on services from ambari console
Created 02-03-2016 03:17 PM
@Pradeep kumar jps ...
find / -name jps
[root@phdns01 ~]# find / -name jps
Please dont confuse "old school"
su - $HDFS_USER hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/hdfs
su - $HDFS_USER hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /etc/passwd passwd hdfs dfs -ls
Created 02-03-2016 03:35 PM
Thanks everyone. I think I understand it better now :).
Created 02-03-2016 03:39 PM
@Pradeep kumar please accept best answer to close the thread.
Created 02-03-2016 01:15 PM
You can install jps manualky. You can run 'ps aux' and see processes you can run netstat and see ports running and yiu can run fsck to make sure hdfs is fine @Pradeep kumar