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Hbase Master Initialisation Failed

New Contributor

I'm using CDH-6.3.4, and installed Phoenix-5.0.0-cdh6.2.1 parcel, able to connect and query the Hbase DB through Phoenix. Suddenly phoenix is timing out while initialising the session with Hbase, so we tried restarting the Hbase service through CM, but master is stuck in initialising state, while checking master logs found below exception. Can anyone help in understanding and resolving this issue.


ERROR org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster: Failed to become active master
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected the service ClusterSchemaServiceImpl [FAILED] to be RUNNING, but the service has FAILED


Cloudera Employee

Hi Tilak,

Can we get more stack traces of the error? Are there any other errors along with this? A complete master log would help.