Created 10-26-2016 09:17 AM
I'm trying to setup a nifi processor to run once daily, using the 'cron' option under scheduling.
Under "run schedule", I put "01 18 * * * ?" , which should be 6:01pm (I couldn't get nifi to accept it without the question mark).
But this causes the scheduler to run on the hour, every hour.
Can someone please help me with my syntax here?
Created 10-26-2016 12:18 PM
The Cron you have there should run 18 minutes and 1 second into every hour.
What you really are looking for as a cron here for 6:01pm is ( 0 1 18 * * ? * or 0 1 18 * * ? )
The value for each of these fields should be a number, range, or
Range here refers to a syntax of <number>-<number>.
For example,the Seconds field could be set to 0-30, meaning that the
Processor should only be scheduled if the time is 0 to 30 seconds
after the minute. Additionally, a value of *
indicates that all values are valid for this field. Multiple values can also
be entered using a ,
as a separator: 0,5,10,15,30
An increment is written as <start value>/<increment>. For example, settings a value of 0/10
for the seconds fields means that valid
values are 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50. However, if we change this to 5/10
, valid values become 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, and 55.
For the Month field, valid values are 1 (January) through 12 (December).
For the Day of Week field, valid values are 1 (Sunday) through 7 (Saturday). Additionally, a value of L
may be appended to one of these
values to indicate the last occurrence of this day in the month. For example, 1L
can be used to indicate the last Monday of the month.
Created 12-05-2022 08:41 AM
Please create a new community question for your queries around MergeRecord processor. This is the best way to get attention and best for community to have a separate thread for each specific query.
I am not clear on your use case for using "cron driven" scheduling with the MergeRecord. This would not be a common thing to do. Best to explain your use case in a new community thread along with sharing your MergeRecord processor configuration. Feel free to @MattWho in the new community post to notify me.
Created 10-26-2016 12:36 PM
Thanks Matt,
So so would "0 0 18 * * ?" indicate that the job should be run 18 hours into every day?
Created 10-26-2016 12:59 PM
The Quartz scheduler has 7 fields, so the cron would need to be 0 0 18 * * ? *. The seventh field is optional for year. Yes the cron you have there will run the 18th hour of every day.
Created 12-19-2016 08:56 PM
Hey @Matt,
I am using a cron job scheduling strategy too and my cron job is "0 30 13 * * ?" similar to what is discussed here. But, for some reason, it just runs for the day I create it and doesn't repeat the next day. Do you know the reason why? I keep NiFi running and don't think it's shutting down for the cron job to not execute. Any help appreciated.
Created 02-01-2022 09:52 AM
Where "*" indicates every value, the "?" can mean i don't care about the value.
So you want to have corn execute at 17:30:00 every day, So i would recommend a "*" instead of "?" in the day of week field.
A good example of when to use a ? in a supporting field would be this cron:
0 30 17 5 * ?
The above says execute at 17:30:00 on the 5th of every month. The day of week field here is a "?" mark because the 5th of every month could fall on any one of the days of the week (will vary from month to month).
Created 11-22-2022 01:01 PM
Yes, "0 0 18 * * ?" means schedule to run at 0 secs, 0 mins, 18 hour, every day, every month, any day of week"
What's important to understand is the quartz cron is used to schedule the processor to execute. In order for the processor to execute at exactly 18:00:00, NiFi must have an available thread in the NiFi timer driven thread pool in order to execute. If a thread is not available, the processors code will execute as soon as a thread become available. Since it has been "scheduled" it will run as soon as thread becomes available and then will get scheduled again the next day at 18:00:00.
Created 02-27-2017 11:53 AM
Below is the syntax I have tried with 0 30 0 * * ? or 0 30 1 * * ?, which should run at 12:30 or 1:30 midnight respectively.
Also I have tired running the flow with cron in nifi for every 20 minutes duration, it worked perfectly.
But we want it to be run, daily once at particular time as mentioned above example (0 30 0 * * ? or 0 30 1 * * ?).
But it is not working. can anyone please guide.
Created 11-18-2022 03:22 AM
Hi @has_sha786
even i was facing same issue ,i was setted to run my processor at 12:00pm(0 0 12 * * ?) and another one is 11:45am(0 45 11 * * ?) but it's not working
if u have any suggestions please reply me
Created 03-27-2018 10:37 PM
Superb. Thanks for this great information. the 7 fields is something that I wasn't aware of . drilling down at a second level is great ! @Matt Clarke great answer