Created 06-06-2016 10:20 AM
Created 06-06-2016 04:46 PM
Hi Sankar,
Are you using HDP cluster? If so, you can take an advantage of Ranger, which allow you to grant different permission to different users. You can lean more about Ranger via
Created 06-06-2016 04:46 PM
Hi Sankar,
Are you using HDP cluster? If so, you can take an advantage of Ranger, which allow you to grant different permission to different users. You can lean more about Ranger via
Created 06-06-2016 04:53 PM
we dont have ranger..we are using HDP 2.1.5 , I think Ranger is available on 2.3 onwords. any other posibilities
Created 06-07-2016 04:38 AM
You can use HDFS ACLS:
And if you are using Hive, you can use storage based authorization as in hive-site.xml, which uses HDFS ACL as permission to hive tables/databases.
Created 06-07-2016 04:55 AM
In simple solution you can try this as well.
hadoop fs -chmode -R 755 /apps/hive/warehouse/
Here DB owner is going to get read,write and execute, Group & others are going to get read and execute only.
you can explore Ranger and ACL functionality as well for implementing different level of access for users.
Created 06-08-2016 11:22 AM
when i enter hadoop fs -ls /apps output is like below
drwxr-xr-x hdfs hdfs /apps/hive this means no write access for other ?please suggest me