Hello ,
I usually use for loops to get info of some folders.
For example: I had to find which folder inside /user/bigdata was consuming high number of blocks due to small files.
So i used this:
for i in $(hadoop fs -ls /user/bigdata/ | grep drwx | awk '{print $8}'); do echo "$i $(hdfs fsck $i -blocks -files -locations | grep BP- | wc -l)" ; done
Getting a lot of "Connecting to namenode via http://<hostname>:50070/fsck?ugi=hdfs&blocks=1&files=1&locations=1&path=%2Fuser%2Fbigdata%2F.<directory>" messages.
Does exist any way of hide this message? I currently have to redirect the output to a file and then use cat to read a clear infomation.
Thank you in advance.