Created 12-21-2016 10:04 AM
After installing fresh HDP 2.5.3 cluster (ambari, all sevices (default selection) installed successfully without any warning. When Starting services, History Server fail to start and make mapreduce fail also.
curl: (52) Empty reply from server 100
Created 12-22-2016 06:34 PM
@Jay SenSharma
the real problem is the namenode heap of memory. When History Server try to start, The memory usage of the NameNode climbs quickly to exceed the limit of 1 Gega byte (default configuration) and causes the service to fall. When changing max memory heap to 3 Gb it works fine. I installed previously ambari and i don't seen this behaviour ( same behaviour as Do you know why?
Created 12-21-2016 10:06 AM
Anything obvious you see in history server log.
Created 12-21-2016 10:29 AM
where is located this log file?
thanks in advance.
Created 12-21-2016 01:49 PM
please find below the error and log filesstderr.txtstdout.txt
Created 12-21-2016 02:00 PM
Can you please check the "History Server" log to see if there is any error?
Does it has sufficient memory ? And Warning/Error in the log?
You can find the log in the following location on History Server host:
- Based on the error looks like it might be having some connection issue with NameNode. So can you try running the same curl command from the HistoryServer Host to see if it works fine?
curl -sS -L -X PUT --data-binary @/usr/hdp/ ''
Created 12-21-2016 03:03 PM
Hi Jay,
Thanks for the help.
The cluster is one machine. The firewalld is disabled.
any idea plz?
Created 12-21-2016 03:07 PM
Once the History Server will start it should write in the mentioned log location. However it should at lease have written the out file there.
Anyway now we know that the cause is "Failed connect to; Connection refused"
Can you please make sure that the "" host and portare accessible from the History Server Host. Are you able to do from History Server (for remote testing)
telnet 50070
However as you mentioned that the cluster is on a single host hence can you please share what is the output of the following command:
hostname -f
2). Port "50070" is opened or not ?
netstat -tnlpa | grep 50070
Also can you also please share the value for the property "dfs.namenode.http-address" from "Custom hdfs-site". You can get that value form ambari. Please check the value of that mentioned property uses the correct FQDN
Created 12-21-2016 07:10 PM
@Jay SenSharma
root@vds002:~# netstat -tnlpa | grep 50070
how to enable communication on this port. trying : firewall-cmd --add-port 50070/tcp --permanent
but no effect.
Created 04-05-2017 05:44 AM
I had the same issue, increasing the heap space for HDFS helped. Also apparently a reboot was required to disable selinux - as the command sestatus was showing enabled.
Created 12-21-2016 07:44 PM
As you mentioned that you have a single host cluster. So I guess NameNode also will be running on the same host. So in that case the port "50070" should be opened. As the netstat output is showing that no such port is opened which means your NameNode is down. Please bring it On.
Also please check NameNode log to see if it ever started successfully or not? and why it did not open the port.