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Hive Metastore HA using haproxy load balancing


Hi i would like to put the HIVE metastores in HA using haproxy load balancing. In the file config haproxy.cfg we already put the Hive HiveServer2 in HA using the following lines:
listen hs2_meta_env
bind xx.x.xx.xx:9083
mode tcp
option tcplog
balance first
server hs2_prd_meta_1 <node1_url>:9083 check
server hs2_prd_meta_2 <node2_url>:9083 check

It works for HiveServer2.

How can we do the same this time for metastores that are installed on node1_url et node2_url?

Thank you for your time.



Hi Koffi,


Can you please provide more detail or point me to document which can be followed to setup haproxy in HDP hiveserver . We are currently using HDP2.6.5.


We are also looking for configuring haproxy for hivemetastore ,since we notice most of the connection going to the first metastore server mentioned in URI .We sometimes see 3 times the connections .