Created 01-04-2018 11:14 PM
After resetting the admin password of ambari and then restarting the ambari server, I tried to open the Hive View 2.0 as well as the Hive View. But in both the cases, I was getting the following service check error :
HIVE Check Message: Cannot open a hive connection with connect string jdbc:hive2://;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2;hive.server2.proxy.user=admin
I was therefore, unable to open hive view.
Can someone please help me sort out the issue ?
Created 01-04-2018 11:27 PM
- Can you please check if the HiveServer2 process is showing UP and Running in Ambari UI.
- Also please try to perform HIve Service check first to make sure that everything is fine from Hive Side.
Ambari UI --> Hive --> "Service Actions" (Drop Down) --> "Run Service Check"
- Please check if the hostname is correct and you get the result as "" for the following command:
# hostname -f
Please verify if the zookeeper processes are running fine and then Hive Server2 process is up and has opened all the rquired ports. Following command will find the HiveServer2 PID and then will list the ports opened by it.
# netstat -tnlpa | grep `cat /var/run/hive/`
Created 01-04-2018 11:27 PM
- Can you please check if the HiveServer2 process is showing UP and Running in Ambari UI.
- Also please try to perform HIve Service check first to make sure that everything is fine from Hive Side.
Ambari UI --> Hive --> "Service Actions" (Drop Down) --> "Run Service Check"
- Please check if the hostname is correct and you get the result as "" for the following command:
# hostname -f
Please verify if the zookeeper processes are running fine and then Hive Server2 process is up and has opened all the rquired ports. Following command will find the HiveServer2 PID and then will list the ports opened by it.
# netstat -tnlpa | grep `cat /var/run/hive/`
Created 01-04-2018 11:41 PM
After running a Hive service check, I am getting an error. Also, after running the netstat command as suggested by you, I got the following output :
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16767/java tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16767/java tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16767/java tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16767/java tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16767/java tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16767/java tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16767/java tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16767/java tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16767/java tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16767/java tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 16767/java
Now, I am not sure if the zookeeper processes are running. What are the ports on which the zookeeper processes run ?
Created 01-04-2018 11:50 PM
From your netstat output we see that the Zookeeper port 2181 is also opened. You can doublecheck the same by running the following command:
# netstat -tnlpa | grep `cat /var/run/zookeeper/`
Next Steps:
1. Please try restarting the Hive Service from Ambari UI
Ambari UI --> HIve --> "Service Actions" --> "Restart All"
2. After restarting HIve Service successfully, Please try restarting Ambari Server and then try to access the HIve View.
# ambari-server restart
3. Access the Hive View now.
Created 01-04-2018 11:53 PM
Still if it does not work then please share the following Hive View logs:
# less /var/log/ambari-server/hive20-view/hive20-view.log # less /var/log/ambari-server/hive-next-view/hive-view.log
Created 01-04-2018 11:58 PM
Yes Restart All in the Service Actions worked out for me. I didn't really need to restart the ambari server. Thanks a ton 🙂 🙂