Created 08-29-2016 02:49 PM
This is NOT about HiveServer2, but only on Hive metastore. Do we have only two choices on Hive metastore property
Created 08-29-2016 02:58 PM
@ScipioTheYounger I would say only one type of authorization is available for metastore and it is the Storage based. The second one is pretty useless. It's the legacy one and it allows users to grant themselves whatever permissions they want.
Created 08-29-2016 02:58 PM
@ScipioTheYounger I would say only one type of authorization is available for metastore and it is the Storage based. The second one is pretty useless. It's the legacy one and it allows users to grant themselves whatever permissions they want.
Created 08-29-2016 02:58 PM
Yes - you are correct (StorageBasedAuthorizationProvider and DefaultHiveMetastoreAuthorizationProvider) are the two provided
DefaultHiveMetastoreAuthorizationProvider = Hive's grant/revoke model
StorageBasedAuthorizationProvider = HDFS permission based model (which is recommended on the apache website)
More info here on configuring for the storage-based model