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Hortonworks Tutorials - Created/Modified Dates


I've noticed on the website, the tutorials don't have dates (created/modified). Is this on purpose? As an end-user, the first thing I look for is a date on a tutorial. Do we not put the date on purpose? Is the end-user to assume the tutorials are newer (within the last year or two)?

Also - as an end-user if I followed a tutorial and something changed, I would like see a date (modified) to know something has changed - so I can either re-do the tutorial or apply the changes.



If you want to see dates and update history for tutorials then I would suggest looking at the source in github.

Tutorials are updated on Sandbox update release schedule which tend to correspond to major HDP releases. Here you can see the latest version of the HDP tutorials for HDP 2.4:

For example, I believe earlier you had a question on Ipython Notebook with Spar tutorial and here you can see the history of updates for this tutorial:

The tutorials list what is the prerequisite to do the tutorial. If you want to learn more about the tutorials or make a contribution then at the bottom of each tutorial there is paragraph that talks about the github repo and contribution guide. I am happy to chat with you to see how we can make this template more descriptive.

View solution in original post



All great points, I've always wished that our tutorials came with a short "release notes" link for each one too.


If you want to see dates and update history for tutorials then I would suggest looking at the source in github.

Tutorials are updated on Sandbox update release schedule which tend to correspond to major HDP releases. Here you can see the latest version of the HDP tutorials for HDP 2.4:

For example, I believe earlier you had a question on Ipython Notebook with Spar tutorial and here you can see the history of updates for this tutorial:

The tutorials list what is the prerequisite to do the tutorial. If you want to learn more about the tutorials or make a contribution then at the bottom of each tutorial there is paragraph that talks about the github repo and contribution guide. I am happy to chat with you to see how we can make this template more descriptive.