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How actually namenode HA QJM works?

Rising Star

I read the QJM in hadoop official documentation but there is no clear control flow explanation

So far I understand was

  • When the namenode fails zookeeper failure controller will detect and change the standby namenode as active namenode.

  • Only active namenode will write the edit log in Journal node

  • Journal will sync the edit log with standby namenode

Can any one please explain how the real flow works?

For example

  • step 1: when client connects request goes here ....
  • step 2: it will take care of these request ....
  • step 3: if it fails it will happen the request will go there....

Like that can anyone please explain the complete flow of QJM

Thanks in advance


Rising Star

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Rising Star

Yes i saw that but he didn't explain the actual work flow

Rising Star

What will happen is edit log on Journal node becomes large?

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Rising Star

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Rising Star

What will happen is edit log on Journal node becomes large?

Will standby namenode send new FSimage to active namenode?

How client finds the active namenode?

New Contributor

Hello! Can the user send request to both standby and active name node? And if the name node fails to fulfill the request, standby namenode can replace the current active name node? 

New Contributor

@karthik nedunchezhiyan A simplified explanation of the process :

Whenever a NN HA is achieved, there will be two NNs , One Active NN and other Standby NN,

1) DataNodes will send heartbeats to both NNs , so both Active and Standby will know where the blocks are placed.

2) Journal Nodes maintain the Shared edits , Whenever there is a write operation the JNs will update the edits, not the Active or Standby NN. Once the edits are updated by JN, the Standby will update its FS Image.

3)So this way at any point in time both the Active and the Standby will have the same updated FS Image.

4)Zookeeper will be responsible for holding the lock for the Active NN.

5) There will be two Zookeeper Failover Controllers, which will be responsible for monitoring the health of the NNs.

6) Whenever the Zookeeper does not receive a communication from the Zookeeper FC, it will release the lock and this will be acquired by the other Zookeeper FC and the Standby NN will become the Active NN.


Community Manager

@Ankita3087, Welcome to Cloudera Community. As this is an older post, you would have a better chance of receiving a resolution by starting a new thread. This will also be an opportunity to provide details specific to your environment that could aid others in assisting you with a more accurate answer to your question. You can link this thread as a reference in your new post.


Vidya Sargur,
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