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How can i convert location field into 2 fields in Hive and how to store in hive Table ?


Hi ,
I need to convert the location fields into 2 fields based on "=" , Means folder location in one column and partition details in another column

current scenario :

Location Partion Fields

required scenario :

Location Partion Fields
hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/ rownum=123/columnnumber=456

Can you please help on this..!!!

Thanks in advance..!!


Master Guru
@Satya Nittala

Use hive Substr function and specify start/end position that you needed for each field

hive> select substr('hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/rownum=123/columnnumber=456',0,30) Location, substr('hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/rownum=123/columnnumber=456',31) PartionFields;
|            location             |        partionfields         |
| hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/  | rownum=123/columnnumber=456  |

Please refer to this link for more details regarding hive string functions documentation.


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Master Guru
@Satya Nittala

Use hive Substr function and specify start/end position that you needed for each field

hive> select substr('hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/rownum=123/columnnumber=456',0,30) Location, substr('hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/rownum=123/columnnumber=456',31) PartionFields;
|            location             |        partionfields         |
| hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/  | rownum=123/columnnumber=456  |

Please refer to this link for more details regarding hive string functions documentation.


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@Shu Thanks for Quick response

I had total 10 Lakh records like that , with different data and different string length

Above mentioned code only satisfying with that one record only

I need a generic code for all data , It should satisfy with all records,

Can u please suggest..!!!

Thanks in advance..!!!

Master Guru
@Satya Nittala

Please add some sample records with different string lengths, so that we can prepare the query that satisfies them.



Please find the below sample data


Length is getting increasing for location , so how can we convert based on "=" sign

Can u please suggest..!!!

Thanks in advance..!!!

Master Guru

@Satya Nittala

Thanks for the sample records..!!

One thing i commonly observed pattern is second from the last / after you need that to be in partitionfields column before second from last / needs to be in location column. Split based on = will not give the desired results but split on rownum= will satisfies.

Using Regexp_extract function:

1.using rownum= matching and extracting

hive> select regexp_extract('hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/rownum=123/columnnumber=456',"(.*)(rownum=.*)",1) Location,regexp_extract('hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/rownum=123/columnnumber=456',"(.*)(rownum=.*)",2) partitionfields;
|            location             |       partitionfields        |
| hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/  | rownum=123/columnnumber=456  |

2.Using forward slashes and extracting

hive> select regexp_extract('hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/rownum=123/columnnumber=456',"(.*(?:\\/))(.*(?:\\/).*)",1) Location,regexp_extract('hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/rownum=123/columnnumber=456',"(.*(?:\\/))(.*(?:\\/).*)",2) partitionfields;
|            location             |       partitionfields        |
| hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/  | rownum=123/columnnumber=456  |

Using Split Function:

1.Split the string based on rownum=

as we are doing split on rownum= so we are going to miss the rownum= in partitionfields data we need to concat rownum= to get the correct data in partitionfields column.

hive> select split('hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/rownum=123/columnnumber=456',"rownum=")[0] Location,concat('rownum=',split('hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/rownum=123/columnnumber=456',"rownum=")[1]) partitionfields;
|            location             |       partitionfields        |
| hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/  | rownum=123/columnnumber=456  |

Use the any of the above functions which best fits for your case if you still want to split on = then tweak the above regexp_extract (or) split functions to get the desired results.


@Shu , Thanks for your quick Suggestions

Mentioned function is only work if location field is having "rownum="

i had a data without "rownum="

hdfs://servername/sds/sds/erg/meta/data/ccdp/hive _table=test/size=123/length=456

2.Using forward slashes and extracting method also not working if location fields changes with different data

Like this this records many or there with different variables using for partitioning , I need partitioning fields in the another column , Starting '=" fields in the partition columns

Can you please help on this ..!!!

Thanks in advance...!!


@Shu Please find the Sample data

hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/publish/gss_attribute_details_pub/load_dt=20170303 hdfs://eualty/lob/bi/publish/ccdp/v1/pub/gss_attribute_details_pub/load_dt=20170322 hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/source/ebia/ccdp_genesys_fmr_router_core/load_date=2018-04-29 hdfs://eualty/lob/bi/source/ebia/ccdp_genesys_fmr_router_core/load_date=2018-04-30 hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/publish/ebia/interaction_fact_core/load_date=2017-12-16 hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/publish/ccdp/v1/core/interaction_fact_core/load_date=2017-12-21 hdfs://eualty/lob/bi/publish/ccdp/v1/pub/task_event_details_pub/load_date=2018-04-26/historical_intraday_record=I hdfs://Test/lob/bi/publish/pi/v1/pub/task_event_details_pub/load_date=2018-05-22/historical_intraday_record=I hdfs://eualty/lob/ebia/publish/bi/avaya_call_details_pub/year=2018/quarter=1/month=1 hdfs://eualty/lob/bi/publish/ebia/avaya_call_details_pub/year=2017/quarter=4/month=11 hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/project/pi/avaya_call_details_pub/year=2018/quarter=1/month=3 hdfs://Test/lob/bi/project/bi/avaya_call_details_pub/year=2017/quarter=3/month=8 hdfs://eualty/lob/ebia/project/ebia/avaya_call_details_pub/year=2018/quarter=2/month=5

Master Guru
@Satya Nittala

As the data is not in the consistent format i have 2 step method to populate field values correctly.


Create an temporary table to store this intermediate step data
Split the data on = character and populate the data

hive> select split('hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/publish/gss_attribute_details_pub/load_dt=20170303',"=")[0] Location,split('hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/publish/gss_attribute_details_pub/load_dt=20170303',"=")[1] partitionfields;
|                            location                             | partitionfields  |
| hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/publish/gss_attribute_details_pub/load_dt  | 20170303         |

We are still missing load_dt in partitionfields column data


select from temporary table data and insert into final table

hive> select regexp_extract("hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/publish/gss_attribute_details_pub/load_dt","(.*)\\/",1) location,concat_ws("=",reverse(split(reverse('hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/publish/gss_attribute_details_pub/load_dt'), '/')[0]),"partitionfields") partitionfields;
|                        location                         |     partitionfields      |
| hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/publish/gss_attribute_details_pub  | load_dt=partitionfields  |

In step2 first i'm extracting only data before last / i.e after / the data needs to go to partitionfields column, and by using concat_ws i'm joining partitionfields column data and using reverse function with split on / then extracting [0] position value, concatenating with partitionfields value.


By using two regular expression extracts to prepare the actual final data for the columns

hive> select regexp_extract("hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/publish/gss_attribute_details_pub/load_dt","(.*)\\/",1) location,concat_ws("=",regexp_extract('hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/publish/gss_attribute_details_pub/load_dt', '(.*)\/(.*)',2),"partitionfields") partitionfields;
|                        location                         |     partitionfields      |
| hdfs://Test/lob/ebia/publish/gss_attribute_details_pub  | load_dt=partitionfields  |

I hope this will work for your case correctly.