Created 11-05-2015 06:25 PM
I want to automate through cron or other method "ambari-server sync-ldap --existing" but it prompts for an Ambari username and password. Any ideas on how I can automate an Ambari LDAP sync?
Created 11-05-2015 07:20 PM
curl -uadmin:admin -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X POST -d '[{"Event": {"specs": [{"principal_type": "users", "sync_type": "existing"}, {"principal_type": "groups", "sync_type": "existing"}]}}]' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events
You will get a response like:
{ "resources" : [ { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events/13", "Event" : { "id" : 13 } } ] }
You can GET on this href to get status of the sync:
curl -uadmin:admin http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events/13 { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ldap_sync_events/13", "Event" : { "id" : 13, "specs" : [ { "sync_type" : "existing", "principal_type" : "users" }, { "sync_type" : "existing", "principal_type" : "groups" } ], "status" : "COMPLETE", "status_detail" : "Completed LDAP sync.", "summary" : { "groups" : { "created" : 0, "removed" : 0, "updated" : 0 }, "memberships" : { "created" : 0, "removed" : 0 }, "users" : { "created" : 0, "removed" : 0, "updated" : 0 } }, "sync_time" : { "end" : 1446751142546, "start" : 1446751142462 } } }
Created 12-16-2016 11:26 AM
Both ldapsearch and cron will show up in ps with passwords in their command line. That's easy to prevent with both tools: use the -y option for ldapsearch, and --netrc-file for cron.
Created 12-23-2016 11:41 AM
Hi Neeraj,
I have used your ambari-ldap sync script but I get the following error when I ran the below command. One thing I noticed is that if the run the script manually as ./ then its getting executed.
Also I have shown my ambari-ldap sync script below. So the script is not getting executed from crontab with 'sh' command . Please help.
[root@host1(] # sh line 3: spawn: command not found couldn't read file "Enter Ambari Admin login:": no such file or directory line 7: send: command not found couldn't read file "Enter Ambari Admin password:": no such file or directory line 11: send: command not found couldn't read file "eof": no such file or directory [root@host1(] # cat #!/usr/bin/expect spawn ambari-server sync-ldap --existing expect "Enter Ambari Admin login:" send "admin\r" expect "Enter Ambari Admin password:" send "admin\r" expect eof [root@host1(] # crontab -e 00 15 * * * /
Created 02-22-2017 06:45 AM
This is an expect script not a shell script. Your shell does not understand expect commands.
Created 04-09-2017 12:55 PM
Worth knowing that now there is no need for the "expect" statement now with the following attributes that can be added to the sync-ldap request:
--ldap-sync-admin-name=admin --ldap-sync-admin-password=secret
Created 04-21-2017 10:28 AM
The unexpected benefit of this is that nobody will ever forget the LDAP password again: not will it be included in your favourite shell's history file, but anyone who can log in on that node will also be able to see those options by keeping an eye on ps. Isn't that neat?
Don't do this, kids. Never write passwords on the command line.