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How do you force the number of reducers in a map reduce job to be higher?


I'm attempting to copy 30 billion rows from one hive table into another hive table. The tables are both created the same and are partitioned on date (DT). Currently there are 1173 partitions. I'm using the following query: insert into accesslog_new PARTITION (DT) select * from accesslog;

This query has been running for almost 3 days straight on a cluster with 18 data nodes.

My issue is that the Map-Reduce job only creates one reducer step. Btw, we are using MR2. I'm guessing this is drastically slowing things down. Is there a way to force the number of reducers to be much larger? How do you also figure out what an appropriate number of reducers would be for that volume of data?


Master Guru

also add the distribute by clause as I wrote below otherwise each reducer will write to 1173 partitions which guarantees OOM exceptions. ( ORC keeps some memory for every task. )

Also really no idea why he distributes by the second column ( _col1 ) He shouldn't add a reducer to a simple SELECT * from. Which column is that DT? Then everything is ok.


From your example, you seem to be using Tez. Check this article which has more detail on how reducers can be controlled.

This is different from how it works in mapreduce. hive.exec.reducers.byte.per.reducer specifies who much goes to each reducer which determines number of reducers.