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How to Integrate IBM MQ with Storm?

Cloudera Employee

What is recommended way to connect IBM MQ with Storm. Is this supported ?


Master Mentor

Please see this

Is it possible to use MQ-Series instead of Kafka as Messaging Queue?

Apache Storm supports JMS Spouts. It is currently certified with Active MQ and Oracle JMS. We ran into issues with IBM MQ-Series with respect to how messages are acknowledged by IBM MQ. IBM-MQ requires the thread that receives the message be the same thread that acks it. Storm’s framework cannot support this requirement, as the receiving and acking thread by design are different threads to achieve higher throughput.

View solution in original post


Master Mentor

Please see this

Is it possible to use MQ-Series instead of Kafka as Messaging Queue?

Apache Storm supports JMS Spouts. It is currently certified with Active MQ and Oracle JMS. We ran into issues with IBM MQ-Series with respect to how messages are acknowledged by IBM MQ. IBM-MQ requires the thread that receives the message be the same thread that acks it. Storm’s framework cannot support this requirement, as the receiving and acking thread by design are different threads to achieve higher throughput.

Cloudera Employee

It seems like nothing is changed here? This was the case last year. Do we have any plan to address this?


As the answer suggests, just use the built-in JMS spout. The Storm project page has details on how to set it up....