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How to add LDAP users to Hue via API call

Rising Star

Hi All,


We have Hue (version 4.2.0) in our prod environment and it is coupled with our LDAP. We manually onboard new users by going to "Manage Users" -> "Add/Sync Manage Users". Here, we add the LDAP ID and later when the user gets added. Once the user is added, we again search the newly added LDAP user, click on that and go to "Profiles and Group". Here, we select "temporary-access" so that User can able to access the UI. Without Temporary-access selection, user will not be able to see the UI.


We want to get this automated by writing a Py program and we are looking for the right REST API for adding users to Hue and give him/her "temp-access" in profiles and group. The following link wasn't helpful -


Please assist us. I would highly appreciate any form of assistance or help.



Shesh Kumar


Master Guru

Hello @sheshk11 I don’t think there is any REST API however Hue commands is another way by which you can achieve this. 

The steps will be something like:
  1. Configure LDAP via Hue Service
  2. Restart Hue Server. 
  3. Login to Hue server and Perform synch ldap users via command line
<hue root>/build/env/bin/hue sync_ldap_users_and_groups
There are few resources available around this if that helps. 

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Master Guru

Hello @sheshk11 I don’t think there is any REST API however Hue commands is another way by which you can achieve this. 

The steps will be something like:
  1. Configure LDAP via Hue Service
  2. Restart Hue Server. 
  3. Login to Hue server and Perform synch ldap users via command line
<hue root>/build/env/bin/hue sync_ldap_users_and_groups
There are few resources available around this if that helps. 

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Rising Star

@GangWar Thank you!

New Contributor


when i enabled this feature, hue is able to import all users from the LDAP group however 


is trying to create same user again and its failing with duplicate key error. see my question at