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How to configure Managed Ranger Authorizer for NiFi LDAP Group based authorization

Super Collaborator

Hi All,
Is there a document that details on how to configure LDAP Group Authorization for NiFi - Ranger? This is for HDF 3.1.1 or NiFi 1.5
With the default configuration, NiFi still needs the policies to be defined for every user. Group level policies doesn't take into effect. Assuming that there is some configuration that is missing to the configs.



        <property name="Authentication Strategy">SIMPLE</property>
<property name="Manager DN">uid=admin,cn=blah,cn=blah,dc=blah,dc=com</property> <property name="Manager Password">blah</property> <property name="TLS - Keystore"></property> <property name="TLS - Keystore Password"></property> <property name="TLS - Keystore Type"></property> <property name="TLS - Truststore"></property> <property name="TLS - Truststore Password"></property> <property name="TLS - Truststore Type"></property> <property name="TLS - Client Auth"></property> <property name="TLS - Protocol"></property> <property name="TLS - Shutdown Gracefully"></property>
<property name="Referral Strategy">FOLLOW</property> <property name="Connect Timeout">10 secs</property> <property name="Read Timeout">10 secs</property> <property name="Url">ldap://</property> <property name="Page Size"></property> <property name="Sync Interval">30 mins</property> <property name="User Search Base">cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=blah,dc=blah,dc=com</property> <property name="User Object Class">person</property> <property name="User Search Scope">SUBTREE</property> <property name="User Search Filter">(uid={0})</property> <property name="User Identity Attribute">USE_USERNAME</property> <property name="User Group Name Attribute"></property> <property name="User Group Name Attribute - Referenced Group Attribute"></property> <property name="Group Search Base">cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=blah,dc=blah,dc=com</property> <property name="Group Object Class">groupofnames</property> <property name="Group Search Scope">SUBTREE</property> <property name="Group Search Filter">(cn={0})</property> <property name="Group Name Attribute">cn</property> <property name="Group Member Attribute">member</property> <property name="Group Member Attribute - Referenced User Attribute">uid</property> </userGroupProvider>

Sample User - LDAP


Sample Group - LDAP



Master Mentor
@Arun A K

You will need to change the default authorizer in "Advanced nifi-authorizers-env" NiFi config section via Ambari.

You will want to replace the default authorizer:

        {% if has_ranger_admin and enable_ranger_nifi %}
        <property name="Ranger Audit Config Path">{{nifi_config_dir}}/ranger-nifi-audit.xml</property>
        <property name="Ranger Security Config Path">{{nifi_config_dir}}/ranger-nifi-security.xml</property>
        <property name="Ranger Service Type">nifi</property>
        <property name="Ranger Application Id">nifi</property>
        <property name="Allow Anonymous">true</property>
        <property name="Ranger Admin Identity">{{ranger_admin_identity}}</property>
        {% if security_enabled %}
        <property name="Ranger Kerberos Enabled">true</property>
        {% else %}
        <property name="Ranger Kerberos Enabled">false</property>
        {% endif %}
        {% else %}
        <property name="Authorizations File">{{nifi_flow_config_dir}}/authorizations.xml</property>
        <property name="Users File">{{nifi_flow_config_dir}}/users.xml</property>
        <property name="Initial Admin Identity">{{nifi_initial_admin_id}}</property>
        <property name="Legacy Authorized Users File"></property>
        {% endif %}

with the something similar to the following:

        <property name="Authentication Strategy">SIMPLE</property>
        <property name="Manager DN"></property>
        <property name="Manager Password"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Keystore"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Keystore Password"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Keystore Type"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Truststore"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Truststore Password"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Truststore Type"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Client Auth"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Protocol"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Shutdown Gracefully"></property>
        <property name="Referral Strategy">FOLLOW</property>
        <property name="Connect Timeout">10 secs</property>
        <property name="Read Timeout">10 secs</property>
        <property name="Url"></property>
        <property name="Page Size"></property>
        <property name="Sync Interval">30 mins</property>
        <property name="User Search Base"></property>
        <property name="User Object Class"></property>
        <property name="User Search Scope">ONE_LEVEL</property>
        <property name="User Search Filter"></property>
        <property name="User Identity Attribute"></property>
        <property name="User Group Name Attribute"></property>
        <property name="User Group Name Attribute - Referenced Group Attribute"></property>
        <property name="Group Search Base"></property>
        <property name="Group Object Class"></property>
        <property name="Group Search Scope">ONE_LEVEL</property>
        <property name="Group Search Filter"></property>
        <property name="Group Name Attribute"></property>
        <property name="Group Member Attribute"></property>
        <property name="Group Member Attribute - Referenced User Attribute"></property>

        <property name="User Group Provider">ldap-user-group-provider</property>
        <property name="Ranger Audit Config Path"><path to nifi conf dir>/ranger-nifi-audit.xml</property>
        <property name="Ranger Security Config Path"><path to nifi conf dir>/ranger-nifi-security.xml</property>
        <property name="Ranger Service Type">nifi</property>
        <property name="Ranger Application Id">nifi</property>
        <property name="Allow Anonymous">true</property>
        <property name="Ranger Admin Identity"></property>
        <property name="Ranger Kerberos Enabled">false</property>

Details on the "ldap-user-group-provider can be found in the nifi admin guide:

Make sure the <userGroupProvider> comes before the <authorizer> in this configuration.



View solution in original post


Master Mentor
@Arun A K

You will need to change the default authorizer in "Advanced nifi-authorizers-env" NiFi config section via Ambari.

You will want to replace the default authorizer:

        {% if has_ranger_admin and enable_ranger_nifi %}
        <property name="Ranger Audit Config Path">{{nifi_config_dir}}/ranger-nifi-audit.xml</property>
        <property name="Ranger Security Config Path">{{nifi_config_dir}}/ranger-nifi-security.xml</property>
        <property name="Ranger Service Type">nifi</property>
        <property name="Ranger Application Id">nifi</property>
        <property name="Allow Anonymous">true</property>
        <property name="Ranger Admin Identity">{{ranger_admin_identity}}</property>
        {% if security_enabled %}
        <property name="Ranger Kerberos Enabled">true</property>
        {% else %}
        <property name="Ranger Kerberos Enabled">false</property>
        {% endif %}
        {% else %}
        <property name="Authorizations File">{{nifi_flow_config_dir}}/authorizations.xml</property>
        <property name="Users File">{{nifi_flow_config_dir}}/users.xml</property>
        <property name="Initial Admin Identity">{{nifi_initial_admin_id}}</property>
        <property name="Legacy Authorized Users File"></property>
        {% endif %}

with the something similar to the following:

        <property name="Authentication Strategy">SIMPLE</property>
        <property name="Manager DN"></property>
        <property name="Manager Password"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Keystore"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Keystore Password"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Keystore Type"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Truststore"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Truststore Password"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Truststore Type"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Client Auth"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Protocol"></property>
        <property name="TLS - Shutdown Gracefully"></property>
        <property name="Referral Strategy">FOLLOW</property>
        <property name="Connect Timeout">10 secs</property>
        <property name="Read Timeout">10 secs</property>
        <property name="Url"></property>
        <property name="Page Size"></property>
        <property name="Sync Interval">30 mins</property>
        <property name="User Search Base"></property>
        <property name="User Object Class"></property>
        <property name="User Search Scope">ONE_LEVEL</property>
        <property name="User Search Filter"></property>
        <property name="User Identity Attribute"></property>
        <property name="User Group Name Attribute"></property>
        <property name="User Group Name Attribute - Referenced Group Attribute"></property>
        <property name="Group Search Base"></property>
        <property name="Group Object Class"></property>
        <property name="Group Search Scope">ONE_LEVEL</property>
        <property name="Group Search Filter"></property>
        <property name="Group Name Attribute"></property>
        <property name="Group Member Attribute"></property>
        <property name="Group Member Attribute - Referenced User Attribute"></property>

        <property name="User Group Provider">ldap-user-group-provider</property>
        <property name="Ranger Audit Config Path"><path to nifi conf dir>/ranger-nifi-audit.xml</property>
        <property name="Ranger Security Config Path"><path to nifi conf dir>/ranger-nifi-security.xml</property>
        <property name="Ranger Service Type">nifi</property>
        <property name="Ranger Application Id">nifi</property>
        <property name="Allow Anonymous">true</property>
        <property name="Ranger Admin Identity"></property>
        <property name="Ranger Kerberos Enabled">false</property>

Details on the "ldap-user-group-provider can be found in the nifi admin guide:

Make sure the <userGroupProvider> comes before the <authorizer> in this configuration.



Super Collaborator

@Matt Clarke, thank you. I will update after I give this a try.

Super Collaborator

@Matt Clarke I assume I am getting close to the solution. I made the changes as you suggested. However I get the below error on login.

o.a.n.w.a.c.AccessDeniedExceptionMapper identity[user1], groups[] does not have permission to access the requested resource. No applicable policies could be found. Returning Forbidden response.

The Group Name is empty/not picked up. What could be wrong here?

Master Mentor

@Arun A K

Hard to say without knowing exactly what is in your LDAP and what specific you configured in your userGroupProvider.


<propertyname="User Group Name Attribute"></property>
<propertyname="User Group Name Attribute - Referenced Group Attribute"></property>


<propertyname="Group Member Attribute"></property>
<propertyname="Group Member Attribute - Referenced User Attribute"></property>

Plus - would also need to know how Ranger is creating these users and groups when it syncs with your LDAP. (same case)


Master Mentor

@Arun A K

Something I just noticed you have wrong in your provider above:

<propertyname="User Search Filter">(uid={0})</property>


<propertyname="Group Search Filter">(cn={0})</property>

The group provider is trying to return all groups and users sousing {0}to pass some specific input is not going to work here.

That is a valid filter in the login-identity-provoders.xml wheer you are trying to return a very sepcific user for authentication purposes.

Try changing these lines to:

<propertyname="User Search Filter">uid</property>
<propertyname="Group Search Filter">cn</property>

See if that works for you.



Super Collaborator

NiFi failed to start with this change, I rolled back the changes. I am assuming that it expects an expression at the filter.

Master Mentor

@Arun A K

The "ldap-user-group-provider" is not passed any input, so using things like (cn={0}) will not work. This is perfectly valid in the login-identity-providers.xml since it is being passed the login name the user enters on login screen.

<property name="Authentication Strategy">SIMPLE</property>
<property name="Manager DN">uid=admin,cn=blah,cn=blah,dc=blah,dc=com</property>
<property name="Manager Password">blah</property>
<property name="TLS - Keystore"></property>
<property name="TLS - Keystore Password"></property>
<property name="TLS - Keystore Type"></property>
<property name="TLS - Truststore"></property>
<property name="TLS - Truststore Password"></property>
<property name="TLS - Truststore Type"></property>
<property name="TLS - Client Auth"></property>
<property name="TLS - Protocol"></property>
<property name="TLS - Shutdown Gracefully"></property>
<property name="Referral Strategy">FOLLOW</property>
<property name="Connect Timeout">10 secs</property>
<property name="Read Timeout">10 secs</property>
<property name="Url">ldap://</property>
<property name="Page Size"></property>
<property name="Sync Interval">30 mins</property>
<property name="User Search Base">cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=blah,dc=blah,dc=com</property>
<property name="User Object Class">person</property>
<property name="User Search Scope">SUBTREE</property>
<property name="User Search Filter"></property>
<property name="User Identity Attribute">uid</property>
<property name="User Group Name Attribute">memberOf</property>
<property name="User Group Name Attribute - Referenced Group Attribute"></property> <property name="Group Search Base">cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=blah,dc=blah,dc=com</property>
<property name="Group Object Class">posixgroup</property>
<property name="Group Search Scope">SUBTREE</property>
<property name="Group Search Filter"></property>
<property name="Group Name Attribute">cn</property>
<property name="Group Member Attribute">member</property>
<property name="Group Member Attribute - Referenced User Attribute"></property> </userGroupProvider>

The above is what you should have at a minimum.
You may need to also specify the two "Referenced User/Group Attribute" values, but can't tell from your sample LDAP output is that is really going to be necessary.


