Created 04-10-2018 02:04 PM
I'm testing WASB as a storage option. I've configured the core-site.xml property. Connectivity works well in these areas:
I'm using the tweets data from the Twitter tutorial to test using WASB as the source for creating Hive tables. I've tried External and Managed tables. I still get the same error. Following is the most recent version of the table creation code I've used and the error I receive. The error is the same regardless of the table type.
What am I missing? Where should I look to solve this issue?
CREATE External TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tweets_text_azure( tweet_id bigint, created_unixtime bigint, created_time string, lang string, displayname string, time_zone string, msg string) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' LOCATION 'wasb://';
FAILED: HiveAccessControlException Permission denied: user [AmbariUsername] does not have [ALL] privilege on [wasb://]
Created 05-18-2018 07:33 PM
I was able to resolve this by modifying the Azure Blob Properties. To navigate to the Blob Properties:
For this proof of concept, user "Hive" is executing the Hive CREATE TABLE so I changed the original value from...
The hdi_permission value must be changed for each blob. Since WASB is flat storage, which only emulates a folder hierarchy, that means that each file will need to have the value changed.
Created 04-10-2018 07:41 PM
After disabling Ranger, this is the error:
java.sql.SQLException: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. MetaException( Permission denied: user=hive, path="wasb://":<AmbariUsername>:supergroup:drw-r--r--)
Created 05-18-2018 07:33 PM
I was able to resolve this by modifying the Azure Blob Properties. To navigate to the Blob Properties:
For this proof of concept, user "Hive" is executing the Hive CREATE TABLE so I changed the original value from...
The hdi_permission value must be changed for each blob. Since WASB is flat storage, which only emulates a folder hierarchy, that means that each file will need to have the value changed.