Created 03-10-2017 03:29 PM
Current setup is using getSftp --> puSFTP to sync data from sftp server to a remote linux host.
Problem is with getSFTP i cannot define File age i wish to download, though i found getFile has the min max file age option, however nifi doesn't allow on canvas link between getSFTP and getFile.
I was wondering how i can accomplish this, thanks in advance.
Created on 03-10-2017 03:36 PM - edited 08-18-2019 05:52 AM
You can use the ListSFTP processor to list all files on your SFTP server. The ListSFTP processor will create a 0 byte file with the following additional attributes written to it:
Take the success relationship of the ListSFTP and send it to a routeOnAttribute processor.
Use the routeOnAttribute processor to route on those FlowFiles where the attribute "file.lastModifiedTime" date falls within your desired range to a FetchSFTP processor. All other listed files could just be auto-terminated.
Created on 03-10-2017 03:36 PM - edited 08-18-2019 05:52 AM
You can use the ListSFTP processor to list all files on your SFTP server. The ListSFTP processor will create a 0 byte file with the following additional attributes written to it:
Take the success relationship of the ListSFTP and send it to a routeOnAttribute processor.
Use the routeOnAttribute processor to route on those FlowFiles where the attribute "file.lastModifiedTime" date falls within your desired range to a FetchSFTP processor. All other listed files could just be auto-terminated.
Created on 03-10-2017 08:38 PM - edited 08-18-2019 05:51 AM
The RouteOnAttribute processor expects that a NiFi expression Language statement is used. If the the evaluation of that EL statement results in a true, then the FlowFile will be routed to the corresponding property name's relationship.
Here is an example that will route FlowFile where the value associated to "file.lastModifiedTime" on the incoming FlowFile falls within the last 24 hours to the "last24hours" relationship:
Here is the full EL statement so you can copy it:
Thank you,
Created 03-10-2017 06:33 PM
Thanks Matt, i added the processors you recommended, but the Route on attribute processor is compaining about "file.lastmodified validated against '2017-03-08'T'11:00:00Z' is invalid because no Expressions found.
Created 03-10-2017 06:43 PM
Can you share the NiFi expression language routing rule you created in your RouteOnAttribute processor? The rule must evaluate to "true" before a FlowFile will be routed to that relationship.
Created on 03-10-2017 06:56 PM - edited 08-18-2019 05:52 AM
sure, here they are
Created 03-10-2017 07:40 PM
Are you looking for files where the "file.lastModifiedTime" is exactly 2017-03-08'T'11:00:00Z?
Or are you looking for all files created at that time and newer?
Created 03-10-2017 07:45 PM
@Matt Clarke i am looking for the files uploaded on the source sftp in last 24 hours, thanks.
Created 03-13-2017 12:00 PM
Did you see the addition I made to my answer above that provided you with a working Expression Language statement to handle your routing? If this solution addressed you question, please accept teh answer.
Thank you,
Created 05-10-2017 12:09 PM
Hi Matt,
I'm trying to do the same flow, but I need to get the newest file from an FTP server.
I tried to set the time to 600000ms but the flow did not work.
${file.lastModifiedTime :toDate("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") :toNumber() :ge(${now():minus(21600000)}) }
How can I get the newest file?
Thanks in advance,
,Hi Matt! I'm trying to do the same flow, but I need to get the newest file from an FTP.
Ho can I do that?
I tried to use 600000 (1 minute) but it did not work.
${file.lastModifiedTime :toDate("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") :toNumber() :ge(${now():minus(6000000)}) }
Can you help?